Track List

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This time, it was a challenge and new approach for us. The title is called "Goo Goo Goo". Lead song of this mini-album is about Gyouza, so all songs included surppose to be ingredient ("Goo" in Japanese) of Gyouza. Also includes the meaning of "Good!", and the sounds of your stomach when your hungry, like "Goo...". I did propose other titles like "Rotary Table", "Awesome dinner", "Rhythm of earth", "Soul food", etc... but other members chose "Goo Goo Goo". That was unexpected one for me choice for me, but ist has an impact so I accepted it. The new thing in this album is that the other three, started to do something they had never did so far. We're band of childhood friends so it's funny when somthing new happens in studio, like when Gotchi (Guitarist) started useing Wah peddals, I thought "Wow! he's useing Wah pedal! At last, he became one of a great guitarist!". As well as Daisuke (Bassist), he started slapping (a way of playing) and I incorporate taste of rap too. It was all cool. We always write our songs thinking about when we performed in our gigs. I think we did a good job and I'm looking forward for it, especially "Gyouza tabe chaina" and "Afure dasu seimei". These two songs will make a big flow in the show. Wah sounds are in this two songs. Forgot about the drums! Yokoshin (Drummer) is doing many new thing too, but the most, chorus part has increased. He will sing a lot from next show! We're looking forward to the tour of "Goo Goo Goo". Celebration party must be at O-shou! (Japanese famous Gyouza restraunt) by Kawasan(PAN Vo.)

Artist Profile

  • PAN

    1995年大阪吹田にて結成、関西は大阪を愛し、生粋の関西人ロックバンド「PAN」(ヨミ:パン)。楽曲は、ロック・オルタナティブ・パンク・メロディック・JPOPから影響を受け、情熱的でストレートな詞や、生活感あるユニークな詞などがあり、幅広い楽曲を織り交ぜながらライブを最高潮に盛り上げるライブバンド。年間100本以上のライブを全国各地でこなし根強いファンを持つ。また、PANというバンド名からライブ中に自己紹介としてパン(食品)を配るパフォーマンスでもお馴染み!常に爆発的に盛り上がるライブは一度見たら病み付きになること間違いナシ!? 近年では、大型外食系・大型小売店・大型食品メーカーなどの大企業ともPANの楽曲やPANのイベントでコラボレーションし、年代や老若男女問わず一般人にも浸透中!また、全世界で音楽活動をするべく活動中!

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