WORLD Front Cover



Shinsuke Sugahara

Chasing horizons, feeling free

Nature's wonders, wait for me

Wildflowers bloom, cicadas sing

Oh, the joy what a joy︎

This journey brings

On this train, I'm off to roam

With bags in tow, I leave my home

Valleys wide, and mountains high

I'm reaching for that open sky

Chasing horizons, feeling free

Nature's wonders, wait for me

Wildflowers bloom, cicadas sing

Oh, the joy what a joy︎

This journey brings

Each mile unfolds a new scene

I'm diving in, no looking back

Facing all the twists and turns

With open heart, new lessons learned

Chasing horizons, feeling free

Nature's wonders, wait for me

Wildflowers bloom, cicadas sing

Oh, the joy what a joy︎

Bravely choosing this unknown long way

I'll move forward, come what may

Treasure memories and my friends

On this journey never ever ends

Never ends we will transcend it!

Chasing horizons, feeling free

Nature's wonders, wait for me

Wildflowers bloom, cicadas sing

Oh, the joy what a joy︎

This journey brings

Lyrics:Stefania Chen

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  • Composer

    Shinsuke Sugahara

WORLD Front Cover

Listen to HORIZON by Shinsuke Sugahara

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    Shinsuke Sugahara

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    Shinsuke Sugahara

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    singersongwriter express

    Shinsuke Sugahara

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    Shinsuke Sugahara

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    Shinsuke Sugahara

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    Shinsuke Sugahara

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    Shinsuke Sugahara

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    Gulliver's Feet

    Shinsuke Sugahara

Shinsuke Sugahara's fifth original album.

This work features Soulflex's RaB on drums, FUNKY on bass, and Takuma Asada on guitar.

The theme of this work, which comes three years after his last fourth album, is "travel."

In 2023, he will be touring Shanghai, China, Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia, and performing on the streets of Europe.

A diverse, miraculous, genre-less, heart-pounding Soul Journey, a total of 10 songs, filled with motivation for a new world born from his real experiences, making it a theme park in the soul world.

"HORIZON" is a music video song shot in Berlin, Germany, during his 2023 European busking tour.

"MAKE UP" is a funky tune that contains the words of the special moves of nostalgic girls' anime.

"SWEETDAY" is a song produced by soul pianist SWING-O.

A sweet, bittersweet, and beautiful soul number with the trumpet of Yosuke Kobayashi of Carmela ringing out loud.

Vintage sweet soul "FIREWORKS" reminiscent of STYLISTICS

A fun trip with jazz, the Broadway jazz number "Singer-Songwriter Express"

Ryo Miyachi on bass and Masatsugu Hattori on drums.

Crackling CLAVINET FUNK "Chew While Being Bitten" with a message of indomitable spirit

What is conflict? What is life? The ultimate soul number "Ruten" with a grand theme

Sugawara Shinsuke's signature ballad "SMILE" is sublimated to the highest euphoria by SWING-O's production

"Kimochi Ibasho e" is a rock song created with the theme of spreading handstands in Japan

"Gulliver's Feet" is a gospel ballad with the theme of overseas challenges and personal challenges

Harmony with viola player Yuichi Nakata and grand piano rings out.

Artist Profile

  • Shinsuke Sugahara

    菅原信介(スガハラシンスケ) 【プロフィール】 宮城県富谷市出身のシンガーソングライター。ソウルシンガー。 中学校卒業時に歌手活動開始。 Soul、R&Bを源流にジャンルレスな活動。時に人の心の奥を震わせ、時に奇想天外な発想でアっと驚かせてくれるシンガー、菅原信介。 痛快でハチャメチャ、笑って泣けるライブを、ライブハウス、クラブ、BAR、居酒屋、路上など、場所を問わず、全国津々浦々展開中。 同時に2009年上京時から現在までの12年間、全国各地の駅前での路上ライブ活動を行ってきた。 2020年夏より、全国音楽行脚の旅【スガ旅】、現在進行中。 2021年、活動の拠点を福岡に移す。 2022年1月、4thアルバム"NEWDAY"リリース 2022年3月 菅原信介&6th Generation"SUGAROKU"、日本CD大賞東北ブロック賞受賞。 2022.6月 NEWDAYリリースワンマンライブTOKYO&YOKOHAMA開催。 今日もどこかの街で歌っている。

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