My Place To Die Front Cover


My Place To Die

yuko tahala

流れ星ならば すべてもう 落ちて眠りのなか

そびえ立ってる 遊園地の影にしゃがみこんで

貝のように 光のように 私は祈ってる

あそびを終えた 皆の声が はしゃぎ過ぎてゆくよ

失くしたチケット どれだけ待っても 列車はもう来ない

落ちてくる ほら 時のかけらに 手が届かなくて

すべてのまぼろしが 消えてゆく 夏が終わるまでに

夢の死骸も ガラクタ達も 今は踊りなさい

私の足跡をそっと 消して

とても深い空 さかさに駆けてゆく

たどりつけば 何一つない

私のPlace To Die

もう行かなきゃ そんなふうに 決めてたのに

私の髪をなで すうっと 風が吹く

もっと青い空 かすかに泣いている

たどりつこう 誰もいない

私のPlace To Die

もう行かなきゃ そんな気持ちしたのは何故?

一つだけの 誰も知らない

ステキなMy Place To Die

もう行かなきゃ そんなふうに 決めてたのに

After the Dance Party After the Dance Party

After the Dance Party After the Dance Party

After the Dance Party After the Dance Party

After the Dance Party After……

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My Place To Die Front Cover

Listen to My Place To Die by yuko tahala

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    My Place To Die

    yuko tahala

On April 15, 2009, it was first shown on mixi video and released on Littlepress/millchan's independent label the following month of the same year.As yuko tahala's debut song, the lyrics were written by IMAYUI, a poet who won the 2009 Eureka New Artist Award, and guitar.H, co-creator of IMAYUI composed and produced the song.

Artist Profile

  • yuko tahala

    Debuted in 2009 with '' My Place To Die '' whose lyrics were written by IMAYUI, a poet who won the 2009 Eureka New Artist Award, and composed and produced by IMAYUI's co-producer guitar.H. CD released in May 2009 from Littlepress/millchan's independent label. She publishes poems and short stories on Littlepress and Millchan, and also works as a model. She worked as a model for photographer Seiji Kumagai's photo book.

    Artist page

millchan, imayui
