Spirit Of Words Front Cover


Spirit Of Words


Spirit Of Words, Can You see

Spirit Of Words Do you feel it

Spirit Of Words, Can You see

Spirit Of Words Do you feel me up

Dear my grandpa told me stories

If I cast a magic spell

Fairies dancing around the flames in fire place

Somehow I forgot the magic spell, grandpa

Silent good boy silent good boy silent

When I grow up,I never got to see

Mysterious events happen

Fairies never seen dancing anywhere

Somehow I forgot the magic spell, grandpa

Spirit Of Words, Can You see

Spirit Of Words Do you feel it

Spirit Of Words, Can You see

Spirit Of Words Do you feel me up

After journey to my old home

I go through out rustic door

I fall asleep in my grandpa’s loving arms

Somehow I forgot the magic spell, grandpa

Silent good boy silent good boy silent

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Spirit Of Words Front Cover

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    Spirit Of Words


At an early age, the world was full of the unknown, and he could communicate with birds, insects, small animals, and even fairies. As we grow older, fantasy becomes something we enjoy only as entertainment in the digital real world. As I grow older and remember the events of my childhood, I begin to remember my grandfather, the man who hugged me back then. The "magic words" remain lost forever.
Enjoy nostalgic music inspired by Hermann Hesse's fairy tale "The Fairy Tales".

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Planet Wave
