Aloha Time

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Track List

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    Artist Profile

    • IMEHA

      IMEHA, abbreviation for Image of Hawaii, which is characterized by a slack key guitar sound, which means open tuning peculiar to Hawaii. A unit consisting of three guitarists, Seiji Omotani, Noboru Matsumoto, and Yasuhisa Murase. In 2002, they arranged Hawaiian music for video production on the Big Island of Hawaii, and formed a guitar trio as Image of Hawaii with two slack key guitars and a gut guitar. In 2003, renamed to IMEHA, made a major debut from Yamaha Music Communications, and released four albums. With the slack key guitar, which is a traditional Hawaiian tuning method, three acoustic guitars produce a comfortable and gentle acoustic sound that make you feel the Hawaiian breeze. The loosely entwined ensemble invites the listener to peaceful and beautiful paradise.

      Artist page
