
Let go


やるしかない 生きるしかないけど 勝ち負けじゃない でも言い訳はなし Let go

強くない 強くない 俺はそんな強くない それでも 弱くない クヨクヨは出来ない

誰かに甘えたい 時もあるはずだろ

上手くいかない 嫌になる 何もかもが 側にいて欲しい でも素直になれない

明日なんか来なきゃいいのに また一人 悪くて正しいのはお互い様なのに

決められない 正解 見てられない世界 白と黒 光と影だけじゃ語れない

新しい道を また探せばいい ってそれが一番難しいって分かってるのに

誰かを責めては また虚しくなってる でも俺には歌うしかなくて

ラップしかなくて って前は思ってたけど ギブアップもありかなって たまに思うよ

弱さ認めては また 嫌気がさして 酒は飲んでないけど 多分シラフじゃなくて

それでも 見苦しく 進んでく時間は 息苦しい ジレンマ でもここに居たいんだ

やるしかない 生きるしかないけど 勝ち負けじゃない でも言い訳はなし Let go

強くない 強くない 俺はそんな強くない それでも 弱くない クヨクヨは出来ない

誰かに甘えたい 時もあるはずだろ

別にキミの事 傷つけたい訳じゃない ただ俺は生きれない 曖昧な冷めたLife

誤魔化したくない そのふざけたLie 今日も 綴ってる たくさん 温めたRhyme

疲れた 眠たい でも俺は行くよ 何の為? 誰の為?まだ分かるわけはないだろ

行動 唐突 衝突 理解者 もうどうしようもないほど 見えない未来は

隣ずっと居たはずのMy menも しばらく 会ってない 苛立つ でも待つよ 気長に

夢を見てる 未だに 拘りたい 死に方に 思いがけない 味方に 助けられてる Let go Let go Let go Yeah

やるしかない 生きるしかないけど 勝ち負けじゃない でも言い訳はなし Let go

強くない 強くない 俺はそんな強くない それでも 弱くない クヨクヨは出来ない

誰かに甘えたい 時もあるはずだろ

Let go Let go Let go

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    DJ KOL

  • Producer

    DJ KOL

  • Mixing Engineer


  • Mastering Engineer


  • Vocals



Listen to Let go by USU

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Broke inside (feat. Ik0aN & Fit ray)


  • 2

    Drown (feat. sagwon & Nobby)


  • 3

    Those days (feat. JAY'ED & Dr.ilda)


  • ⚫︎

    Let go


  • 5

    Sora (feat. TARO SOUL)


  • 6

    Yuki (feat. Nozomi Kitay)


Lyric reflecting USU's life (pain), emotional tracks by Fuji Rose and KOL.The experience and experience that only USU can write about becomes Pain and spreads.

Artist Profile

  • USU

    He started his career as a member of the legendary Niigata group "HIGH de CREW". They performed at Japan's largest HIP-HOP festival, B-BOY PARK, which was unprecedented for a local group, and energetically expanded their live performances throughout the country. After HIGH de CREW's hiatus, he released his first solo album [247-U N'I To You-] in the same year. The lead song "DAY ONE feat. In 2008, they released their 2nd album [365-ROOTS-]. The album features the participation of leading Japanese artists such as SEEDA, SIMON, TAROSOUL, Cypress Ueno, BUZZER BEATS, Darth Rader, and many more. His high skills and passionate lyricism have quickly spread throughout the country, solidifying his presence. The group he leads, "NITE FULL MAKERS," released the album "N" (JAY'ED, Rhyme Union, DJ WATARAI, SKY BEATZ, etc. participated). In the same year, he released his 3rd album [Bee,Bird,Butterfly]. In November 2013, he released his first mix CD "Un'USU'all mixed by DJ SATORU", which can be called his best album. It presented a "new form of mix CD. In December 2014, he released a mini-album "RES", and in March 2015, "DEMO TAPE" created with DJ KENZI in Nagano. In August 2015, he released his 5th album "COMPLETE BOY" and in December 2015, his own love song best "LOVATE". He continued his approach at an astonishing speed of four albums in one year. In the same year, he held his first solo live concert in three locations: Niigata (NEXS), Tokyo (Shibuya FAMILY), and Niigata (CLUB SEVEN). Each time they completely rocked the packed house of fans and heads. In November 2016, they released their sixth album "DOCK". The well-known Japanese hip-hop rasbos 'Hannya' participated in the album. In April 2017, he started a program called "AREA CONNECTION" every Monday at 10pm on WREP, a hip-hop radio station run by ZEEBRA. He has also participated in the live tour of Japan's leading Jazz artist 'TOKU', completely breaking down the boundaries of "hip-hop". He transmits real music from the countryside. Without a doubt, he is one of Japan's leading MCs. ~September 17, 2019: Suddenly retires and disappears from the scene. On January 27, 2021, he made his comeback to the scene with his return album "Too Late," and on January 5, 2022, he released his long-awaited seventh album "HALT," which reached #4 on the iTunes Hip-Hop chart. It was a fitting start to his comeback. Translated with (free version)

    Artist page


