Light in the dark Front Cover


Light in the dark

Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC

Just standing in the darkness, disoriented

Up, down, right, or left

I am darkness. I am light

Just standing in the light

Darkness is light. Light is darkness

They know each other well but never cross their paths

What’s ahead is unknown, yet still standing here now

あなたは闇 あなたは光

Not knowing what's ahead or behind keep chasing, but no way of catching up

Not knowing what's ahead or behind Keep chasing, but no way, I can’t catch it up

How long has it passed?

Before I blinked my eyes

It was oh, so bright

Now, nothing is visible

How long has it passed?

It was pitch black, then white oh so bright

Now I can’t see anything

More I wish, far and far, it goes away

Even if I reach out, I can't grasp it with my hands

Yet still, it never disappears

Wanted to be like you

Couldn’t to be like you

Following this marginal lines

At the end of that I saw you, like me

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Light in the dark Front Cover

Listen to Light in the dark by Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC

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Light in the dark

Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC

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    Light in the dark

    Medical Concierge I'moon, SAAGMUSIC

「あなたは闇 あなたは光」唯一聞こえる日本語のリリックが指し示すのは闇も光も溶け合う混沌とした世界。ダンスをもって完成する芸術を目指し、D.LEAGUEならではのストーリーを感じさせる展開を作り上げた。

Artist Profile

D.LEAGUE inc. / Medical Concierge Co.,Ltd.
