Emotion Front Cover


A Metal Hound


You were telling me about

You were telling me about

My dreams

Dreams don't mean anything

But I dreamt I was in the ocean

I guess you know

How this story ends

You knew it, right!?

Tell me how I can fly away

Even though I despise this life

I chose for me

I’ve been fighting against

My demons

Just bring me down

Then I’ll fly again

Even though

I feel I'm burned out

Yeah Someday, I will get it all

A story that's played

All the way out

Turned out

I knew exactly what I needed

And I know I can see it

I wonder if

Life’s been good to me so far

I guess you know

How this story ends

You knew it, right!?

Tell me how I can fly away

Even though I despise this life

I chose for me

I’ve been fighting against

My demons

Just bring me down

Then I’ll fly again

Even though

I feel I’m burned out

Yeah Someday, Yeah Someday


Tell me how I can fly away

Even though I despise this life

I chose for me

I’ve been fighting against

My demons

Just bring me down

Then I’ll fly again

Even though

I feel I'm burned out

Yeah Someday, I will get it all

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Emotion Front Cover

Listen to A Metal Hound by ProducTout

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  • ⚫︎

    A Metal Hound


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    The Darkness


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    The New Ray


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