这一班 从我驶向你的列车 究竟何时能抵达终点呢?
途径数多车站而来 大抵也不存在误乘吧
夏夜里 想着你 一旦出声 又拉远距离
好像要消失般 因为是你 保持现状足矣
今天也就这趟列车抵达终点一事 向星星虔心祈祷
能够觉得即便如此也不要紧 是因毕竟总要强过无法相遇
连那些星星们 也会如此这般爱着谁吧
就算是那些星星们 也会在心底有难以实现的愿望吧
夏夜里 想着你 还差一点 就差一点
这想要拉近距离的心愿 是不是太贪心了呢
夏夜里 在你的站台 停留陌生的列车
这样啊 因为我只是普通列车 才无法追赶上的吧
夏夜里 想着你 呼出声 唤着你
越过这夜晚 明知传达不到却也投奔向你
- Lyricist
Yuya Hiraoka
- Composer
Yuya Hiraoka
Listen to Amanogawa Tetsudo (Chinese Ver.) by Yuya Hiraoka
Streaming / Download
- 1
Yuya Hiraoka
- 2
Nijiiro Line
Yuya Hiraoka
- 3
Sango kan
Yuya Hiraoka
- ⚫︎
Amanogawa Tetsudo (Chinese Ver.)
Yuya Hiraoka
- 5
Yuya Hiraoka
- 6
Daisukina Kimiwositta Sonohikara
Yuya Hiraoka
- 7
Glass Hero
Yuya Hiraoka
- 8
Bokuno raito
Yuya Hiraoka
- 9
H (Chinese Ver.)
Yuya Hiraoka
- 10
Bokuga Kimiwo Erandariyuu
Yuya Hiraoka
- 11
1, 000, 000
Yuya Hiraoka
Completed masterpiece by Yuya Hiraoka who attracted great amount of attention on his street performance. The album filled with tracks of all his twenties. Yuya expresses all emotion of joy, happiness, sadness, loneliness and pain along with his beautiful high tone voice.
There are all 11 songs including his representive song, Amanogawa-Tetsudo.
Artist Profile
Yuya Hiraoka
He has been peforming in the streets of Tokyo. His performances has been shot by passers-by and posted on YouTube that video got 8 million views. His clear voice attract people and would not let them pass through. This hot topic jump over into Asia and his live performance videos gone viral on many SNS and gained over 40 million total views.
Yuya Hiraokaの他のリリース
halu records