
Sweet Promises of Chocolate and Cookies

Heartleaf Serenade

春風が運ぶ 花びらの舞

教室の窓辺 君の微笑み

「友の証」と チョコの包み

受け取る指先 震える心

不器用な僕は 何を贈ろう

母のアドバイス 心に刻んで

粉まみれの台所で 何度も挑戦

形は不揃い 端っこ焦げても

でも君への思いは 真っ直ぐに届け

この手作りの贈り物 心を込めて

十五年経ち 今も覚えてる

公園のベンチで 分け合った時間

ぎこちない会話 少しずつ近づく

君の微笑みが 僕の道しるべ

重ねてきた日々 喜びも涙も

二人で織りなす かけがえのない日々

粉まみれの台所で 何度も挑戦

形は不揃い 端っこ焦げても

でも君への思いは 真っ直ぐに届け

この手作りの贈り物 心を込めて

時には躓き 傷つくこともある

でも君がいれば 乗り越えられる

二人で築いた 大切な絆

これからもずっと 歩んでいこう

粉まみれの台所で 何度も挑戦

形は不完全 傷跡(きずあと)も残る

でも君との絆は 年輪のように強く

この手作りの愛を 永遠に誓おう

  • Lyricist

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • Composer

    Heartleaf Serenade


Listen to Sweet Promises of Chocolate and Cookies by Heartleaf Serenade

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Resonating Melody of the Heart

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 2

    Prince of the Café

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 3

    Yukata and goldfish scooping

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • ⚫︎

    Sweet Promises of Chocolate and Cookies

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 5

    First Love Woven by Snow and Melody

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 6

    Starlit Code

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 7

    Encounter at the clock tower

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 8

    Promise in the Gym Storage

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 9

    In the Margins of the Graduation Album

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 10

    An Unfading Promise on the Beach

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 11

    By the Classroom Window

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 12

    Confession on a Starry Night

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 13

    In the Corner of the Library

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 14

    Your Confession

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 15

    Basketball and You

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 16

    The Promise Made with Sakura

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 17

    To Your Side

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 18

    Even If You Forget, I Won't

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 19

    The Unfulfilled Love

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 20

    Intersecting Melodies - First Love Series

    Heartleaf Serenade

  • 21

    Childhood Friend

    Heartleaf Serenade

"OUR FIRST LOVE STORIES" - New Album Release
Relive the heartbeat of those days, once again.
Our first loves that colored a page of our youth. The long-awaited debut album, OUR FIRST LOVE STORIES, which delivers those sweet memories in music, has finally been completed.

This album consists of 21 "letter songs," each written on the theme of first love. These songs express the feelings for that special someone, cherished like precious treasures.

The first track, "Resonating Heart Melodies," portrays two people who were searching for their own music and met through a chance session at a live house. The second track, "The Prince of the Café," tells the story of two people who locked eyes amidst the bustle of Shimokitazawa, bonded over a quote from The Little Prince, and went on to open a café for lovers to enjoy.

From the third track onward, the album spins a story like a novel, from shy, unspoken feelings, to the heartache of passing misunderstandings, and even the tears of farewell.

The final song, "Childhood Friends," gracefully brings the album to a close, giving listeners the courage to step from reunion into love, while holding onto the lingering echoes of first love.

This album gently awakens the memories of first love that rest within the hearts of its listeners. It offers a chance to reconnect with those pure feelings of the past and gain the strength to move forward. This is a truly special album.

Find your own page of youthful memories and share it with someone special.

Artist Profile
