It's a spiky sing along world Front Cover


It's a spiky sing along world



ここが踊り場 狂いな 超 Very Bad


ここが踊り場 狂いな 超 Very Bad


We are「これがイイ団」


Left or Right 言い聞かせてよ

Keep it shout

No shutdown

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ready Go!

無礼講 Breakout

Got steady around the world

無礼講 Breakout

Got steady around the world

視界良好 Stars like flame

(Wow Eh Oh Eh Oh)


ここが踊り場 狂いな 超 Very Bad

なれるなれる俺もなれる すげぇパンクロックスター

世界の果てまでいざ 行こう!行こう!行こう!

= なれるなれる君もなれる すげぇパンクロックスター

世界の果てまでいざ 行こう!行こう!行こう!

(Wow Eh Oh Eh Oh)

文明開花を取っ払って test 1.2 test check 万全なフリ

何が来たって屈しないワ 感性はもう覚醒 3 周済み

Let me see 激震 永遠に

頭から発射中 ただ離れない

アップアップだから気にしてない Can I

Cosmo Lv.3333333 レベチな Bitch

ケミカルにときめいちゃう BOWWOW


クラシカルなバックボーンにトバされ Down

段々 段々 段々と



狂いな 超 Very Bad



狂いな 超 Very Bad


(Wow Eh Oh Eh Oh)

文明開花を取っ払って test 1.2 test check 万全なフリ

なんちゃって 屈しないワ 感性はもう覚醒 3 周済み

Let me see 激震

永遠に We continue to frolic

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It's a spiky sing along world Front Cover

Listen to It's a spiky sing along world by Trachemist

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    It's a spiky sing along world



Artist Profile

  • Trachemist

    Formed in September 2017 in their hometown Sapporo. Immediately after the formation, they actively performed lives in Japanese major cities including Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, increasing the number of people at their shows. The two-man live in Sapporo, held in June of the following year, was sold out. The momentum of their activities as a live band did not stop, and from January 2019, they declared a wider range of activities and moved their base to Nagoya. After that, they faced difficulties such as withdrawals of members, but in April 2021 they welcomed new members, joined the production company "CMP", which is based in a beauty salon, and declared a full-scale restart. "Strike while the iron is hot. Light the firewood, and it will burn." The fire of the heart that has been ignited will never be extinguished. The absolute kingliness of Vo. MAT2 and the attitude of newcomer Dr. Shinya, who enjoys every taste with a relaxed attitude, can be said to be the perfect form of the vertical line. Inspired by the HR / HM of the old times, the two giants, Gt. Fantastic Takuma and Gt. Masa, are sure to surpass the good old days and shake the rock world with their unparalleled and innovative new metal sound. This is the audience-involving, fire-igniting band Trachemist. Please be careful of burns.

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