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OZALLY's new song, "Eternal Friend," after a two-year hiatus, tells a story of friendship based on historical events that transcends borders.

Six years after the end of World War II, Japan found itself in a dire situation during the San Francisco Peace Conference held in 1951. There were many voices calling for Japan, as the defeated nation, to pay substantial reparations, and some even suggested dividing Japan into four parts for governance.

Amidst these circumstances, it was "Mr. Jayawardena," the president of Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka), who delivered a historic speech in which he persuaded many countries to abandon their claims for reparations from Japan. In his speech, he quoted Buddha's words.

"Hatred does not cease by hatred,but only by love; this is the eternal rule."

Thanks to his compassion, courage, and spirit of friendship extended to Japan, the country was able to embark on its path to recovery without facing severe sanctions.

It is no exaggeration to say that Japan exists today thanks to Sri Lanka and Mr. Jayawaldana.This song expresses gratitude and friendship to my beloved friend who saved Japan.OZALLY wishes to deepen the bond between the two countries and further develop them, and sings that they are "eternal friends."

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    神奈川県横須賀市出身のシンガーソングライター。 高校時代より音楽活動を開始し、「X JAPAN」の「HIDE」の前座を務めるなど、当時よりその才能を発揮。 20代には海外にてマネジメント契約を結び、プロのシンガーとしての活動の他、タレントとしても活躍。 2018年12月12日に1st Album「OLD ROOKIE」、 2019年11月27日に2nd Album「STORY TELLING」、 2021年5月26日に3rd Album「My Philosophy」をリリース。 力強い歌声の奥にある繊細な魂で、人々の心を揺さぶり続ける。

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