boy, school and teacher Front Cover


warm heart in friendship

Tsuyoshi tsuno

友だちでいるのに 言い訳するなんて

明日の風向きに 歩調を合わせたい だけなのに

生きるその意味と 希望の灯火 淡く輝いて 「友だち」を映した

友だちの泣き笑い その彼方にやっぱり 揺れ動いている みんなの涙顔

友だちでいるから 心配しないで そんな願いが 祈りがあったから

明日に信じ合えば 命を震わせて 朝日に向かって 咲く花が あるから

これからも 一緒に 歩んでいこう

  • Lyricist

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • Composer

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

boy, school and teacher Front Cover

Listen to warm heart in friendship by Tsuyoshi tsuno

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  • 1

    A day of reconciliation between teachers and students!!!

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • ⚫︎

    warm heart in friendship

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 3

    "Yume Hitohira" Dream fantasy!!!

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 4

    Sheishun Gokko "Now, be proud!!!"

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 5

    Mr. Dis Rock! (What is "Dis" world ver.)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 6

    Walk with you , Criticism of pure Love (Yes! so happy!)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • 7

    Umeboshi ~badboys's anthem!!!~

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

"Bully" is a fool in the world ... It is such an era.
I hear that homeroom used to solve the problem to some extent.
However, nowadays preaching is not as effective as the wind blows. The reason is, after all, that's right. Nothing but "poop". That old time was special... But now, in the middle of "dating DV" ... The composition may be the same after all.
Still, since the effect of the sermon cannot be expected, we must look for alternatives. "1". Have them listen to you personally by phone, etc. "2", play with friends and diverge "3", listen to quality music
In particular, the possibility of "3" above has just begun, so I can't say anything, but it is a fact that as a practical matter, "the mind of junior high school students becomes calm and stable"!
Even if bullying happens in the classroom, "music" heals you, so what's going on... It's hard to understand, but this is what it is!!

Excerpt from "Kusa Makura" (Natsume Soseki) ...
We must be tolerant of inhospitable places and make our fleeting lives livable even for a short time. Here is the vocation of poet, and here comes the vocation of painter. All arts practitioners are precious because they make the world peaceful and enrich people's hearts.

In other words, it is quite possible that music can enrich and heal people's hearts, but the only condition for that is that the human world is difficult to live in~!!
Just listen! I'll have to listen to it now! Regards!!!

Artist Profile

  • Tsuyoshi tsuno

    Boys and girls don't want to go to school or go home.. I'm doing activities to support such students. In other words, with the main purpose of sending such children to education, we are engaged in activities to stabilize the spirit of children. In other words, I'm making such music. His representative work is "To young people!" " There are wishes - with the brightness of the rainbow as it is, hope, Yamato soul, wrapped in the light of gratitude, and Anakan (common name). First of all, there was a reason why I didn't go to school or go home, and I thought about whether it was the children's fault or not. I thought the children were not bad. In other words, if that's the case, first of all, I achieved mental stabilization, and then I didn't go to school because I didn't go home, but I wanted the children to give me an answer about whether it's good or bad as it is. It is. I got mental stability and I wouldn't be irritated anymore, so I wanted you to return to school through a calm judgment. There is a compulsory education course for all students, and it's not just studying there.. For example, there are still things I want you to learn, such as distinguishing between right and wrong, and I want you to know that everything is necessary to live a long life richly. It was! I'm doing such a music activity. In addition, in the local area, the students who are cheering for them are returning to school, "Happy has come!" I'm going!!! I'm such a music activist. Nice to meet you!!!

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