潮風が頬をなでる 懐かしい浜辺で
高校卒業以来の再会 君の瞳に映る夕陽
都会の喧騒から逃れ 故郷の静けさに身を委ねる
忘れかけていた感覚が 胸の奥で目覚める
キャリアに縛られた日々 追い求めた成功の果て
気づけば心は空っぽで 本当の自分が見えなくなっていた
波音が奏でる 永遠のメロディー
君と見上げた 茜色の空
握りしめた手のぬくもりが 新たな道を照らす
この海と共に紡ぐ 私たちの絆
新鮮な魚の香りが 記憶を呼び覚ます
語り合う人生の軌跡 交差する想いの数々
都会の華やかさよりも 故郷の魅力に惹かれる
迷いながらも決意した 新たな一歩を踏み出す
海を離れられなかった俺 夢を諦めた後悔の日々
でも今は分かる この場所こそが俺の居場所だと
波音が奏でる 永遠のメロディー
君と見上げた 茜色の空
握りしめた手のぬくもりが 新たな道を照らす
この海と共に紡ぐ 俺たちの絆
困難が訪れても 二人で乗り越えよう
でも今は分かる この場所こそが俺の居場所だと
未来を誓い合う 私たちの絆
波音が奏でる 永遠のメロディー
君と見上げた 茜色の空
握りしめた手のぬくもりが 新たな道を照らす
- Lyricist
Heartleaf Serenade
- Composer
Heartleaf Serenade
- Producer
Heartleaf Serenade
- Sampled Artist
Heartleaf Serenade

Listen to Scent of the Sea Breeze, Crimson Sky by Heartleaf Serenade
Streaming / Download
- 1
Rock Paradise
Heartleaf Serenade
- ⚫︎
Scent of the Sea Breeze, Crimson Sky
Heartleaf Serenade
- 3
Envelope with the Scent of the Sea
Heartleaf Serenade
- 4
The Story of Bitter & Sweet
Heartleaf Serenade
- 5
Miracle Seaside Route
Heartleaf Serenade
- 6
A First Love Wrapped in the Scent of Spices
Heartleaf Serenade
- 7
Handmade Love, Christmas Miracle
Heartleaf Serenade
- 8
Two Hearts Connected by a Sketchbook
Heartleaf Serenade
- 9
Passion on the Streets of Rome
Heartleaf Serenade
- 10
On the Wind's Tidings: Yuki's Gift
Heartleaf Serenade
- 11
Impressionism Woven by the Paintbrush
Heartleaf Serenade
- 12
365 Days of Love Packages
Heartleaf Serenade
- 13
Secret Diary: Crossing Feelings
Heartleaf Serenade
Artist Profile
Heartleaf Serenade
Hello, we are Melody of Heart Leaves (Kokoroha no Kanade). We believe in the power of words deeply etched in people's hearts and have made it our mission to deliver them to the world through music. We carefully weave touching letters and heartwarming words exchanged in daily life, expressing them through melody. Each of our songs is like a mirror reflecting life's joys and sorrows, hopes and comforts. We aim to create music that resonates with the listener's heart, sometimes giving courage, sometimes gently embracing. By fusing the power of words with the universal magic of music, we hope to play warm tunes that touch the hearts of people worldwide, transcending language and cultural barriers. We hope our music brings a small warmth to your heart and becomes a light of hope for tomorrow. We look forward to progressing on this musical journey together with all of you who walk alongside us.
Heartleaf Serenadeの他のリリース