Iwakanwotonae owarinochaimeganarumaeni Front Cover

Iwakanwotonae owarinochaimeganarumaeni

Track List

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A sharp sound make-up that has been polished and more refined by the Masirito section in the song, poetry, guitar of Sei Indo (Vo / Gu). The tour with "Chaos Dragon Rising" and "TERROR SQUAD", which Japan boasts at the time of the previous release, did so, and you can feel a dramatic view of the world from a dramatic resident rather than a fantasy resident. While the song is more toxic, it gives a sense of exhilaration, and the over-poisoned song world also emits its own unique taste. The more you listen, the more addicting you feel, and the more you listen to the melody. Following previous work
HESOMOGE (http://hesomoge.com/) is in charge of the artwork, but all the 20P booklets are inspired by music and lyrics.

Like the 3rd album, it is one that should be re-evaluated now.

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