Loop Loop Loop Front Cover


Loop Loop Loop


You don't know that, but I can feel it

(It's getting looped...)

I can't take it; must be dreaming

(It's getting looped...)


Da Da La Da La

Keep it going on


Da Da La Da La

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

何か足りない 何が足りない

欲が足りない 学が足りない


君はどうして 策を労して

ただ模倣して 悦に興じて

まだ分からない? だから仕様もない

回る 1 2 3 4

You don't know that, but I can feel it

(It's getting looped...)

I can't take it, must be dreaming

(It's getting looped...)


Da Da La Da La

Keep it going on


Da Da La Da La

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

何か足りない 何が足りない

徳が足りない 灰汁が足りない


そんな調子で 譜面通りで

つまり総じて ただ無能にて

ただ目立ちたい だから仕様もない

踊る 1 2 3 4

You don't know that, but I can feel it

(It's getting looped...)

I can't take it, must be dreaming

(It's getting looped...)

(It's getting looped...)

(It's getting looped...)


Da Da La Da La

Keep it going on


Da Da La Da La

Yeah Yeah Yeah!


Da Da La Da La

Keep it going on


Da Da La Da La

Yeah Yeah Yeah!

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Loop Loop Loop Front Cover

Listen to Loop Loop Loop by Edi.

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    Loop Loop Loop


What genre is this song in...?
Anyway, I think it's a miscellaneous song typical of Edi..
After I came up with the intro, I didn't decide on a final destination, and I wrote it all in one go, going with my feelings and momentum.
Most of the fakes and shouts were recorded on the first take.
The lyrics say a lot, but I hope you enjoy it with your senses rather than words or reason.
That said, I experimented with new things like the vocal texture, the chorus, and some chords, so it might be fresh and interesting for people who know my other songs.
In the end, This is a "chimera song" that's a mix of a lot of different things.

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