Kachoufuugetsu (yell for japan! remix version) Front Cover


Kachoufuugetsu (yell for japan! remix version)

Tsuyoshi tsuno

「明日」へと光る アツい「想い」があるから

人知れず 悔し涙を 隠したこともあった

「願い」よ叶え  「夢」に焦がすよ

いつの間にか「星」の架け橋を  渡っていた

振り返れば思い出に  置き去りにした「笑顔」たちよ

大きな「感謝」で ウソ偽りのない「情熱」を歩んだ

窓辺に そっと「花」を歌うよ 咲き誇りながら 散る時の中で

「鳥」の夕ぐれ 「風」の瞬き 眩い「月」に 虹が掛かるのさ

「憂い」の 空が 雨で滲んでしまっても

それでも「愛」を奏で合うのさ お前とならばきっと

放っておけぬ「想い」があるから 「絆」を認め合うのさ

「鳥」の夕暮れ 「風」の瞬き 眩い「月」に 「花」が咲く

  • Lyricist

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • Composer

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

  • Remixer

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

Kachoufuugetsu (yell for japan! remix version) Front Cover

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    Kachoufuugetsu (yell for japan! remix version)

    Tsuyoshi tsuno

Really interesting!
I know this song, and it's pretty famous, isn't it?
Is that really all there is to it?

Q, First of all, the sound of the melody ... Isn't there a lot of "five-degree sound transitions"?
A, I certainly feel like that's how it started. This must be explained retroactively in the history of music. In the days of Gregorian chant, church music was simple with at most a "five-degree harmonic" in the main melody... And as time went by and the sweet "3rd degree hamori" began to color the songs, "5 degrees" was said to be "5 degrees of emptiness" and came out of the mainstream. And in the end, the use of "5 degrees" is banned!! The reason is that the sound is "sharp" ...
Here, we are talking about hamori, but we are following the idea that just as the sound of a chord matches the transition of sounds, what can be said about a sound transition in a hamori.
In other words, "sharp sound" is a characteristic of "5-degree sound transition", and at the same time, the "rock" color of the melody becomes stronger! This is the interval theory of modern sound carrying.

Q, Wasn't the chord progression interesting and popular in the past?
A, the consideration of the code may indeed be outdated, but...
Do you know what the new index "dissonance intervals" is!?
The number represented by this index is an accurate representation of "the avant-garde degree of the code" and "the degree of stimulation"!
In particular, for "key=C", the "C ionian scale" will function as the main scale. At that time, let's specifically find the new index above "dissonance intervals"! First of all, the code "G7", which is the "dominant seventh", is "2.5", while the code "B7" is
It becomes "3.25" and the number jumps! Actually, I don't know the code with a larger value and can't talk about it here, but I can't wait for the day when it will be put into practical use! That's the root of the code here.
"B7" is used!

Q, a few words about "melody theory"...
A. Nowadays, when it comes to theory, "melody theory" is the mainstream. However, isn't it difficult to learn and master "melody theory"? Then, by learning the new "chord theory" and using it in music, I think that the "melody" will be enriched a hundred or a thousand times! It is said to hurry up, but learning "chords" is effective and important to improve "melody"!!

This time, I tried to answer your questions here!
Music theory is interesting!!

Artist Profile

  • Tsuyoshi tsuno

    Boys and girls don't want to go to school or go home.. I'm doing activities to support such students. In other words, with the main purpose of sending such children to education, we are engaged in activities to stabilize the spirit of children. In other words, I'm making such music. His representative work is "To young people!" " There are wishes - with the brightness of the rainbow as it is, hope, Yamato soul, wrapped in the light of gratitude, and Anakan (common name). First of all, there was a reason why I didn't go to school or go home, and I thought about whether it was the children's fault or not. I thought the children were not bad. In other words, if that's the case, first of all, I achieved mental stabilization, and then I didn't go to school because I didn't go home, but I wanted the children to give me an answer about whether it's good or bad as it is. It is. I got mental stability and I wouldn't be irritated anymore, so I wanted you to return to school through a calm judgment. There is a compulsory education course for all students, and it's not just studying there.. For example, there are still things I want you to learn, such as distinguishing between right and wrong, and I want you to know that everything is necessary to live a long life richly. It was! I'm doing such a music activity. In addition, in the local area, the students who are cheering for them are returning to school, "Happy has come!" I'm going!!! I'm such a music activist. Nice to meet you!!!

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