Song of the Pilgrimage of the Stars Front Cover


Song of the Pilgrimage of the Stars


あかいめだまの さそり

ひろげた鷲の  つばさ

あをいめだまの 小いぬ

ひかりのへびの とぐろ

オリオンは高く うたひ

つゆとしもとを おとす

アンドロメダの くもは

さかなのくちの かたち

大ぐまのあしを きたに

五つのばした  ところ

小熊のひたいの うへは

そらのめぐりの めあて

あかいめだまの さそり

ひろげた鷲の  つばさ

あをいめだまの 小いぬ

ひかりのへびの とぐろ

オリオンは高く うたひ

つゆとしもとを おとす

  • Lyricist

    Kenji Miyazawa

  • Composer

    Kenji Miyazawa

Song of the Pilgrimage of the Stars Front Cover

Listen to Song of the Pilgrimage of the Stars by Sanya

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    Song of the Pilgrimage of the Stars


"Song of the Pilgrimage of the Stars" is enhanced by Sanya's clear voice, which beautifully highlights the stories of the stars and resonates deeply with the audience. Sanya's singing harmonizes perfectly with Kenji Miyazawa's poetic worldview, creating a magical atmosphere throughout the entire piece.

Artist Profile

Nissoh Creative
