3 Front Cover


Say it again ft.jh0st


Say it Again

What if you had another chance

Would you could you say it again…

Ice in the empty glasses dance

Would you could bare it again…

Forget all those half embraces

Tending to the row of souls

Yearn and speak of last words first

Would you could you be a friend

Walking home now empty

Stones and the echo remember

Those that were holy

Confessed to the…

… moon's memory,again the sound of

Ice and glass

One more soon

Bottled story whisky cities

Wrapped in mine

Was it you or me that left their lover

By the sea

Did you drown or did we save

Their smiles…

Ice in the empty glasses dance

What if you had another chance

Would you could you be a friend

Would you could you say it again…

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


3 Front Cover

Listen to Say it again ft.jh0st by Heelees

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This is the third album in six years by the Heelees.

This album was written while thinking back to when I was 20 years old,
It is full of melancholy, lyricism, and tender compassion.
Only time heals and warms the wounds.
and gratitude for the wounds that only time can heal and warm.

Humorous and cool
guest musicians and a variety of band sounds
and guest musicians, the work has been developed and refined, becoming a work of art that has been pushed to the limit.

The band's first collaboration work is with Korean artist jh0st,

Heelees's wrote the general framework of the song, and jh0st wrote the melody and lyrics, and played the saxophone,
jh0st plays melody, lyrics, and saxophone.

Artist Profile

world burglar records
