To go anywhere if with you Front Cover


To go anywhere if with you


突き刺さる視線が  背中に感じる

生ぬるい気持ちじゃ 許されない

際どいやりかた    難しい

逃げ道さがして    汗を拭く

奴らの動きが     掴みにくい

お前の合図で    スチールしよう

今しかないよな  勝負しよう

気合いいれよう   覚悟するよ

寒い港を        走り抜けて

強い海風に      目をかすめ

Ship whistle    見方する

慌てるやつらを    ミラー越しに

このまま湾岸      抜けてくか?

適当なところで     Let‘s go have a smoke

まだまだ少し      走ろうか

背中に書いて     destination

ぎりぎりなとこまで  抜け出せた

やっぱりお前は    センスいい

いつもミスを      しなかった

美味いコーヒー    あの店で

都心にはいった    ここまできたら

風のにおいも      違うだろ

環7を走ろう      雑踏にまぎれて

あの子のとこまで   送ってゆくよ

Let‘s run away with you        Let‘s run away with you

Let‘s run away with you        Let‘s run away with you

奴らは今度       どこに来る

暫く安心        できないな

事務所離れて 過ごそう

気合いいれよう    覚悟するよ

お前とおれには    付きまとう

テンション高く     張り詰める

何時まで続く      このレース

今更逃げ出す     わけいかない

テールランプが     増えてきた

すり抜けルゾ      つかまれよ

ここまできて       事故れない

あの子のとこまで   行かないと

突き刺さる視線が  背中に感じる

生ぬるい気持ちじゃ 許されない

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To go anywhere if with you Front Cover

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    To go anywhere if with you


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  • shun

    Musical activities during the end of life Shun, born in Tokyo, is a junior high school classmate, and two people are playing the guitar solo of Hotel Calhornia, I'll join the band. At first, it was a base, and at that time I was finally able to make a sound at my classmate's house... When I was in high school, I formed a hard rock band with my senior who was one step older, I have appeared in a live circle in Chiba Prefecture several times, a few years later, I turned a working band to a guitar and performed live, I worked around Yotsuya Shinjuku, the living environment stopped band activities, I was in my 30s, and from a vocalist In the band that I participated in with a voice, Ichikawa gio. Do live activities at the hall level. In the part where you have not experienced the song composition etc. in a full-fledged band, you will have a hard time, after all, you will not be able to continue to do band activities such as the living environment. Disband, In my late 50s, I played and talked live with a female pianist who I met by chance. I went,, After all, I want to leave the footprints of music, Start making music,, My favorite band is TOTO. Piano, synth, and 16 shuffle sounds Lukasa's guitar is an eternal longing...

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