Wild Front Cover


Calling (feat. TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C))

maco marets

さざなみ よせる

ひかり ひかり なぎ

もうすぐ 日は落ちて

ひそやかなため息と闇で包まれる 風景

街は明日へと傾いてく 天秤に乗せて

今日は忘れて もう どうでもいいぜって


くだらない 問いかけ

あなたは夕暮れで なにを考えてるんだ

その胸に触れたって こころはわからない

うらの模様は わからなかったよ

また 不確かな words で なぞった輪郭は

いびつなしゃれこうべ カタカタ歯を鳴らして

うつむき笑うだけ? 黙り込むヒューマニティ

こぼれおちた 声のゆくさき

くだける季節の果て 耳に




まじる夕景と 幽冥



たどって 海の呼ぶ方へ

さざなみ よせる

ひかり ひかり なぎ かがみ

海が呼んでる 海が呼んでるよ……

  • Lyricist

    maco marets

  • Composer

    maco marets, TOSHIKI HAYASHI(%C)

  • Producer


  • Recording Engineer

    Shintaro Sato

  • Mixing Engineer

    Shintaro Sato

  • Mastering Engineer

    Shintaro Sato

  • Vocals

    maco marets

  • Rap

    maco marets

Wild Front Cover

Listen to Calling (feat. TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C)) by maco marets

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Into the wild (feat. Taisuke Miyata)

    maco marets

  • 2

    Good-bye, Angel (feat. TSUBAME)

    maco marets

  • 3

    BURN (feat. FKD)

    maco marets

  • 4

    Amber (feat. FKD)

    maco marets

  • 5

    Tangled (feat. FKD)

    maco marets

  • 6

    Starfish (feat. TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C))

    maco marets

  • 7

    Aero (feat. TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C))

    maco marets

  • ⚫︎

    Calling (feat. TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C))

    maco marets

  • 9

    Like Seasons (feat. Taisuke Miyata)

    maco marets

  • 10

    Good-bye, Angel (feat. STUDIO75) [Remix]

    maco marets

"Wild" is the 8th original album by maco marets, a rapper/poet/composer from Fukuoka Prefecture who now lives in Tokyo.

This album is produced by TOSHIKI HAYASHI (%C), Taisuke Miyata (South Penguin) and STUDIO75, who are well-known track makers from previous albums, as well as TSUBAME and FKD, who both participated in the production for the first time. The album is simple and stoic, with no guest performers, only the artist's own lyrics. The tracks "Good-bye, Angel", "BURN" and "Starfish", which have already been distributed, are pleasant tracks with the poetic sentiment and mellowness typical of maco marets, while making use of each producer's unique flavor.

As the title suggests, the theme of the album is "wild" or "human wildness," and the songs express a roughness not seen in previous works, as well as the weakness hidden behind that roughness, with a delicate approach. The unique rap music of maco marets, filled with sincerity in words, is sure to gently touch the wounds of each listener.

Artist Profile

  • maco marets

    Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1995, he made his debut in 2016 with "Rallye Label" with the album "Orang.Pendek", track made and produced by Riki Azuma (Small Circle of Friends / Studio75). Since then, he has launched his own label, Woodlands Circle, and has been releasing albums consistently, including "KinŌ" (18), "Circles" (19), "Waterslide III" (20), and his latest, "WSIV: Lost in November" (21). In recent years, he has been featured on the TV program "Z's Choice". And he has also garnered attention for his work as the theme song for ETV's "Z's Choice" and collaborations with Maika Loubte, Shin Sakiura, LITE, maeshima soshi, Mime, and various other artists.

    Artist page

    maco maretsの他のリリース

    TOSHIKI HAYASHI(%C)は東京を拠点に活動する、DJ/BEAT MAKER、音楽プロデューサー。HIPHOPのBoomBapスタイルを基礎に、City PopやR&Bなど様々なジャンルの楽曲を制作。2019年にはマンハッタンレコードからBASI、鈴木真海子をftした「TIME IS OVER EP」を発表し、iTunes HIPHOPチャートにて1位を獲得。iri、SHE IS SUMMER、chelmicoへの楽曲提供や泉まくら、odolaやCBSのRemixを手がけるなどメジャー、インディーズ問わず良質な音楽を数多く提供している。またラップデュオchelmicoのサポートLIVE DJとしても活躍し、全国各地でライブを行っている。

    Artist page

Woodlands Circle
