Sometimes you have to step back escape
But also do it now stand up from where you
Sometimes you have to step back escape
But also do it now stand up from where you
What were you born for?
The answer is simple
Be the best man you can be yeeh
Pound for Pound
If you don't believe in yourself Are you OK?
Who is gonna belive in you? don't remember never
If you don't believe in yourself Are you OK?
Who is gonna believe in you? Aim to be the best ever
Understand, understand, You are the best
Just keep on, just keep on No need!
Sometimes you have to step back escape
But also do it now stand up from where you
Sometimes you have to step back escape
But also do it now stand up from where you
You got a everything
Go ahead for the win
Put down put down I can hear the only sound stand up again
You got a everything
Just gonna do it now
Put down put down I can hear the only sound stand up again
If you don't believe in yourself Are you OK?
Who is gonna belive in you? don't remember never
If you don't believe in yourself Are you OK?
Who is gonna believe in you? Aim to be the better
If you don't believe in yourself Are you OK?
Who is gonna belive in you? don't remember never
If you don't believe in yourself Are you OK?
Who is gonna believe in you? Aim to be the better
Understand, understand, You are the best
Just keep on, just keep on No need!
- Lyricist
Wrap Up Party
- Composer
Wrap Up Party
Listen to Pound for Pound by Wrap Up Party
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Pound for Pound
Wrap Up Party
- 2
Cork Screw
Wrap Up Party
- 3
Wrap Up Party
- 4
lol you
Wrap Up Party