君は無口雨女 濡風情翠
皮膚も妖艶な淫乱 伝説打ち靡き
Long long time
曲がれシュールなDistortion 頭はお皿
背中甲羅は誦んじ くちばしには愛を
Long long time
愛情表現のWord 金属活字時代
I see, believe in you
沼地 蝶との舞踏会 水辺の遊び
それは真実の言明 咲く笑顔の真理
Long long time
アイシテル そう呟いても
理解不能の 咆哮(ほうこう)吟声(ぎんせい)鳴き声よ
You see, believe in me
Sometimes you can talk to me
- Lyricist
mashiro momo
- Composer
mashiro momo
- Producer
mashiro ito
- Recording Engineer
yet momo
- Vocals
mashiro ito

Listen to Stall COLOR Kappa who lacks expressions of affection by mashiro ito
Streaming / Download
- 1
mashiro ito
- 2
No rumors
mashiro ito
- 3
new people
mashiro ito
- 4
speed ~To you, a distant memory and a troubled person~
mashiro ito
- ⚫︎
Stall COLOR Kappa who lacks expressions of affection
mashiro ito
- 6
××Ban××Buu (album ver)
mashiro ito
- 7
mashiro ito
- 8
mashiro ito
- 9
last idol
mashiro ito
- 10
instant nakedness
mashiro ito
- 11
Ask moving through the wind
mashiro ito
- 12
It means a lot
mashiro ito
- 13
mashiro ito
Mashiro Ito second album
While retaining the perverted nature of the previous work "Electrical Ladyland"
A total album that is more pop-oriented.
Artist Profile
mashiro ito
It has a peculiarity in the code, from the royal road to the highly metamorphic one. Characterized by a unique world view and melody Because she is a dancer as well as a writer Besides melody make-up, beat system is also strong
mashiro itoの他のリリース
lune blanc Records