![The Music of Chivalry!!! (Brave and Kind , Humanity and Music [Is my alone justeice suitable for your soul!?]) Front Cover](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u271063/r1234345/ite1234345.png?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250313%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250313T210829Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=fc8bd9aeca72159aaae2d5ffc556861286b43f1efb5d85cddffeb32ab8439b9a)
![The Music of Chivalry!!! (Brave and Kind , Humanity and Music [Is my alone justeice suitable for your soul!?]) Front Cover](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u271063/r1234345/ite1234345.png?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250313%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250313T210829Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=fc8bd9aeca72159aaae2d5ffc556861286b43f1efb5d85cddffeb32ab8439b9a)
It's not dream! (If it's a dream, don't wake up, it's not a dream! Mammoth happy pee!)
Tsuyoshi tsuno
愛の巣箱隠れてる 金に光る夢たちは
きっと全て忘れた頃に 旅立つことを知っていた
偽りの彼方 まだ見ぬ景色
朝日を追いかけて 君の自由へと飛んで行く
いつか見た夕焼け Sunset was blue!
儚い夢も 希望に消えて Without scary feeling…
It’s not dream! 若かりし日の魂
ロックスター気取って ギターかき鳴らした
Key to the highway! 奴らの背中追い越して
明日への鼓動 ほら君も 感じるだろう
夢の頂きに 辿り着いても
雲の彼方に 想いを馳せて
It’s not dream! No! No! No!
Dream come true! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
It’s not dream! 若かりし日の魂 若かりしの魂
- Lyricist
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- Composer
Tsuyoshi tsuno
![The Music of Chivalry!!! (Brave and Kind , Humanity and Music [Is my alone justeice suitable for your soul!?]) Front Cover](https://tcj-image-production.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/u271063/r1234345/ite1234345.png?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJV4VIS2VN3X4CBGA%2F20250313%2Fap-northeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250313T210829Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=fc8bd9aeca72159aaae2d5ffc556861286b43f1efb5d85cddffeb32ab8439b9a)
Listen to It's not dream! (If it's a dream, don't wake up, it's not a dream! Mammoth happy pee!) by Tsuyoshi tsuno
Streaming / Download
The Music of Chivalry!!! (Brave and Kind , Humanity and Music [Is my alone justeice suitable for your soul!?])
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- ⚫︎
It's not dream! (If it's a dream, don't wake up, it's not a dream! Mammoth happy pee!)
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 2
Ace of Spade!!! (What's your only one? It's my boyfriend! You're a man, right?)
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 3
Shoufu [Bitch] [The Song of Saved Sole!!!]
Tsuyoshi tsuno
E - 4
Shelter from the Rain of the Soul (= For a man and a woman to surpass their lives =)
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 5
Tokiwo Hedatete Mirai!! [TunecoreJapan Best sound] [= Feel the spur of your soul!! The Roar =]
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 6
Tokiwo Hedatete Mirai!! (3rd October Recording Latest Sound)
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 7
Karaoke Special [tokiwo hedatete mirai!!!] [To the fans who care about my body!]
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 8
Talk [Talking a lot about external rock Songwriter] [Tsuno's commentary]
Tsuyoshi tsuno
- 9
Talk [Instead of an ending talk] , [regarding the uproar over external rock]
Tsuyoshi tsuno
I'm not trying to raise the theory of chivalry.
However, even without relying on such a spiritual theory, it is safe to say that the "chivalrouis spirit" is lacking in the current Japan, and I hope that you will look at this album with interest.
What is the "chivalrous spirit"?
Ideals such as courage, honesty, charity, and courtesy
Special Consideration for Women
Press oblige (duty of the noble) to rush to the battlefield first in the morning
In addition to loyalty and valor, we value service to God, shame, honor, etc.
That is. It's hard to find music that inherits that spirit and expresses it musically as it is, but in fact, that spirit is flowing through the songs that are gathered here!
You could call it "Chivarly Rock 'n' roll"... And along with that, I came to the idea of "Woman and Children First", which is the slogan of my activities, and I guess it gives such a feeling even where there is no dazzling brilliance on both sides!
Anyway, thank you for coming into contact with that way of thinking.
Come on! This is where the musical demonstration begins.
Stay tuned!!
Enjoy This Music!!!
Thank You!!!
Artist Profile
Tsuyoshi tsuno
Boys and girls don't want to go to school or go home.. I'm doing activities to support such students. In other words, with the main purpose of sending such children to education, we are engaged in activities to stabilize the spirit of children. In other words, I'm making such music. His representative work is "To young people!" " There are wishes - with the brightness of the rainbow as it is, hope, Yamato soul, wrapped in the light of gratitude, and Anakan (common name). First of all, there was a reason why I didn't go to school or go home, and I thought about whether it was the children's fault or not. I thought the children were not bad. In other words, if that's the case, first of all, I achieved mental stabilization, and then I didn't go to school because I didn't go home, but I wanted the children to give me an answer about whether it's good or bad as it is. It is. I got mental stability and I wouldn't be irritated anymore, so I wanted you to return to school through a calm judgment. There is a compulsory education course for all students, and it's not just studying there.. For example, there are still things I want you to learn, such as distinguishing between right and wrong, and I want you to know that everything is necessary to live a long life richly. It was! I'm doing such a music activity. In addition, in the local area, the students who are cheering for them are returning to school, "Happy has come!" I'm going!!! I'm such a music activist. Nice to meet you!!!
Tsuyoshi tsunoの他のリリース
warm up label