Maybe 禁断散弾口頭よ銃 デカダンス感嘆 Close your eyes
Fxxking I my me mine DropなOut Without you 生きたい?
Without you 死にたい…
妄想デバイス とんとん嫌い I don’t know未来 最前線Dive…
Not Fear, You don’t fear, I don’t fear, …賽…
LoveでHate Kill me 意味はないと知る日
遊び下手かGo away 誰も彼も羊
待てど泣けど永遠に のらりくらりギルティ
未来に行くよ棺 脳の中の密儀
咆哮デスサイズ どんどん期待 I don’t know未来 最前にDive…
Not Fear, You don’t fear, I don’t fear, Not Fear …
ほら見ろ 禁断散弾口頭が銃 デカダンス感嘆 Close your eyes
Fxxking I my me mine DropなOut Without you 生きたい?
Without you 死にたい…
Let me 簡単銃弾口腔でBAN フリースタイルあんあん 淫靡とLie
Fxxking I my me mine DropなOut Without you 死にたい
I’m with you 生きたい…
盲目な愛 想像次第 変幻自在
乗っ取りか Not Fear Not死者 Not Fear? Notヒナ。
Not Fear
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Listen to décadence by KAQRIYOTERROR
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Attack started with electromagnetic fear. KAQRIYOTERROR 2nd Digital single [décadence]
Artist Profile
I listed as "electromagnetic fear", a mystery attack Musashi. It is a charm of contradiction that it is a genreless but digital binding. Who decided that rule, whom it made as contraindications, at least, this world is the condition of rotting that should be said to be the other world. Then here is a ghost. Start electrifying with electromagnetic fear.
codomomental INC.