Moonlight Refrain - Lyrics by 24 (Dreamscape Ver.) Front Cover


Moonlight Refrain - Lyrics by 24 (Dreamscape Ver.)





温かな 羽毛の中は安全圏

僕はスペシャル tap tap tap


指先が滑るほどに 爛々と痙攣

朝が控えている 背後は暗闇

月光に中(あ)てられて よすがをリフレイン

月光で投射して 咆哮リフレイン


トラツグミ 涙を啄む



冷え切った 羽毛の外は地雷原

僕はスペシャル burn burn burn


指先で穿つたびに 爛々と痙攣

夜が責め立てる 背後は絶壁

月光に嵌められて よすがをリフレイン

月光を諳んじて 迎えるリフレイン


月光に守られて リフレイン

月光に諳んじて 迎えるリフレイン

月光に撫でられて おやすみリフレイン

月光に撫でられて おやすみリフレイン

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Moonlight Refrain - Lyrics by 24 (Dreamscape Ver.) Front Cover

Listen to Moonlight Refrain - Lyrics by 24 (Dreamscape Ver.) by JACKPOT031

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    Moonlight Refrain - Lyrics by 24 (Dreamscape Ver.)


This is the Chill Out version of Gekkou Refrain
The scenery of a night illuminated by moonlight and the emotions that repeat within it are reimagined in a dreamy and ethereal musical style
This version carries the subtitle Dreamscape Ver

Below is the same description as Gekkou Refrain

In the stillness of the night, wrapped in the warmth of a blanket
Fingers gliding over a smartphone screen, weaving arrogant words
From the safety of this place, believing oneself to be special
Pointing out flaws, sharing opinions from a position of superiority, sometimes even passing judgment
Looking down at the person on the other side of the small screen
Intoxicated by the illusion of influencing the world

Gekkou Refrain captures this state of mind
Tap tap tap, words are released with ease
Drenched in a sense of righteousness, endlessly scrolling through the screen
Just a little longer, just a little more
Before you know it, morning comes, the night repeats itself

And yet, the moon is always there, quietly watching over it all
No matter how many times the same night plays out
It gently accepts the lingering guilt, the restless attempt to consume the night

No matter how many nights are repeated, the moonlight softly embraces them all
Pouring down with quiet tenderness
Whether a different, proper night ever arrives or never does

Artist Profile

  • JACKPOT031

    JACKPOT031 is an artist born and raised in Hokkaido, Japan. The artist's name is a brand of cigarettes he used to smoke and an appropriate number. The lyrics are original, and the music and vocals are written using AI. He also uses AI for illustration. He started his music career with a genuine desire to share his compositions with the world. However, he could not play an instrument, read music, or sing well, so he gave up. However, with the recent advances in AI technology, he found the possibility of turning his own lyrics into music. On October 24, 2024, he took the first step in his musical career by releasing his first single, Like a Drifting Star, on YouTube. JACKPOT031 believes that AI is a hopeful star that can overcome the barriers of creation, and aims to be a hope for those who have given up on creation because of the disadvantages of not being able to read music or play an instrument.

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