Tokyo Knife Front Cover


Tokyo Knife


Greedy hyenas sneak up on me, hiding their fangs and lies

Once you get caught, they'll bleed you dry and there's nothing left for you

Feel free to claim your rights, you'll end up being replaced

I can't stay like this, how can I make a getaway?

All I need is to run, chasing the stratus clouds

Going through an old system, I'm sick of peer pressure

Cross the fence outta this asylum and explore

Now I found my freedom

I'm the one who shouts out my convictions, I can't turn back to Tokyo now

The scent of the flowers, still left in my room

Burned into my memory and it awakens my head

I'm the one who shouts out my convictions, I can't turn back to Tokyo now

The scent of the flowers, still left in my room

Point a knife to my chest, I still can no longer stop

During my flight, I think of my friends who have passed away

The fainted lights appears when I'm lost in the dark

They bring back our time with laughs, always lead me to the right way

They're not here anymore

All I need is to run, chasing the stratus clouds

Going through an old system, I'm sick of peer pressure

Cross the fence outta this asylum and explore

Now I found my freedom

I'm the one who shouts out my convictions, I can't turn back to Tokyo now

The scent of the flowers, still left in my room

Burned into my memory and it awakens my head

I'm the one who shouts out my convictions, I can't turn back to Tokyo now

The scent of the flowers, still left in my room

Point a knife to my chest, I still can no longer stop

What I want, and what I wanna be

Who I know, and who I need to see

This is it, a life you led me

Set off on a journey from there

What I want, and what I wanna be

Who I know, and who I need to see

This is it, a life you led me

Set off on a journey from there

I'm the one who shouts out my convictions, I can't turn back to Tokyo now

The scent of the flowers, still left in my room

Burned into my memory and it awakens my head

I'm the one who shouts out my convictions, I can't turn back to Tokyo now

The scent of the flowers, still left in my room

Point a knife to my chest, I still can no longer stop

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


  • Producer


  • Recording Engineer


  • Mixing Engineer


  • Mastering Engineer


  • Graphic Design


  • Guitar


  • Bass Guitar


  • Drums


  • Keyboards


  • Synthesizer


  • Vocals


  • Background Vocals


  • Rap


  • Piano


Tokyo Knife Front Cover

Listen to Tokyo Knife by RAYJI

Streaming / Download

  • ⚫︎

    Tokyo Knife


  • 2

    Dance With Me


  • 3



  • 4

    YOU DO YOU 2024


RAYJI | Tokyo Knife
1. Tokyo Knife 2. Dance With Me 3. Overdrive 4. YOU DO YOU 2024
Music, Lyric, Edit | RAYJI

Artist Profile


    アーティスト/ベーシスト -2017バンド活動を経て 現在ソロのアーティスト/ベーシストとして活動中。 独自の変則チューニングを軸にスラップ奏法やタッピング奏法を駆使し、カポタストを使用したプレイや、アコースティックギターのスラム奏法から取り入れた他に類を見ない叩くと音がするベースも使用している。 スタジオワークでのベースプレイから、ソロベースでの演奏も得意としている。 2015年にはベース一本で日本一周(47都道府県)路上ライブも行い成功させている。 2018年、NewYorkにベース一本で渡り予選を勝ち抜きJAPAN Fes.への出場を果たす。 帰国後日本一周(27都道府県)をベース一本で再度周る「MY STARTING OVER 2018」を開催。 2018/08/01渋谷clubAsiaワンマンライブにてソロ活動本格始動。 配信音源「NOT A SLAVE」より歌いながらベースを弾くスタイルに移行。 今後期待されているアーティスト/ベーシストである。

    Artist page
