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scale of love


Scale of love 待てない時間         sacle of love  苦しい時間

Scale of love 待たせる時間         sacle of love

どれだけ私を   我慢させても        あなたは何も   返さないね

たまにはあの店の   dinnerで、        酔って見せて   困らせるかな

Sangria 飲まないで          ドンペリを飲もうかな?

何で?酔いたいみたい?      機嫌が悪いかって?

明日の事大丈夫?って            今が大事よ

Kissをすれば?                機嫌がなおるかって?

Scale of love 待てない時間        sacle of love  苦しい時間

Scale of love 待たせる時間        sacle of love

どれだけ私を   我慢させても        あなたは何も   返さないね

私の運転で   レインボーブリッジ、     タイヤ鳴らして  困らせるかな

既読スルーして?              誰かと遊ぶふりして?

ラインみてないのって?       心配させたいの

昨夜はなにしてたのって?           秘密を作るの

手をつなげば?                機嫌がなおるかって?

あなたはずるいわ、 余裕があるものね、  あなたはずるいわ、 優しい道化師

あなたはずるいわ、 どこにも行ける、    あなたはずるいわ、 優しい道化師

Scale of love Scale of love Scale of love   Scale of love

既読スルーして?              誰かと遊ぶふりして?

ラインみてないのって?       心配させたいの

昨夜はなにしてたのって?           秘密を作るの

手をつなげば?                機嫌がなおるかって?

あなたはずるいわ、 余裕があるものね、  あなたはずるいわ、 優しい道化師

あなたはずるいわ、 どこにも行ける、    あなたはずるいわ、 優しい道化師

Scale of love 待てない時間        sacle of love

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  • shun

    Musical activities during the end of life Shun, born in Tokyo, is a junior high school classmate, and two people are playing the guitar solo of Hotel Calhornia, I'll join the band. At first, it was a base, and at that time I was finally able to make a sound at my classmate's house... When I was in high school, I formed a hard rock band with my senior who was one step older, I have appeared in a live circle in Chiba Prefecture several times, a few years later, I turned a working band to a guitar and performed live, I worked around Yotsuya Shinjuku, the living environment stopped band activities, I was in my 30s, and from a vocalist In the band that I participated in with a voice, Ichikawa gio. Do live activities at the hall level. In the part where you have not experienced the song composition etc. in a full-fledged band, you will have a hard time, after all, you will not be able to continue to do band activities such as the living environment. Disband, In my late 50s, I played and talked live with a female pianist who I met by chance. I went,, After all, I want to leave the footprints of music, Start making music,, My favorite band is TOTO. Piano, synth, and 16 shuffle sounds Lukasa's guitar is an eternal longing...

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