The Tragic Radiance Front Cover


Infinite Celestial Wings (feat. Luminous Angels)


無限の天翼 広がる空

Infinite celestial wings, the sky spreads wide

闇を越えて 光を求めて

Beyond the darkness, seeking the light

羽ばたき続け 永遠の彼方へ

Keep on flying, toward eternity

無限の可能性 抱いて

Embracing infinite possibilities, we soar

風を感じて 空に溶け込む

Feeling the wind, blending into the sky

星々が私を 照らしてくれる

The stars shine down, guiding me along

どんな壁も 越えて行ける

I can overcome any wall

天翼があれば 何も怖くない

With celestial wings, I fear nothing at all

無限の天翼 広がる空

Infinite celestial wings, the sky spreads wide

闇を越えて 光を求めて

Beyond the darkness, seeking the light

羽ばたき続け 永遠の彼方へ

Keep on flying, toward eternity

無限の可能性 抱いて

Embracing infinite possibilities, we soar

羽音が響く 遠くの空

The sound of wings echoes in the distant sky

無限の世界を 駆け抜ける

Racing through an endless world

夢に導かれ 空を舞う

Guided by dreams, I dance through the air

天翼の力で 全てを越えて

With the power of celestial wings, we transcend all

無限の天翼 広がる空

Infinite celestial wings, the sky spreads wide

闇を越えて 光を求めて

Beyond the darkness, seeking the light

羽ばたき続け 永遠の彼方へ

Keep on flying, toward eternity

無限の可能性 抱いて

Embracing infinite possibilities, we soar

無限の天翼よ 広がれ

O infinite celestial wings, spread wide

終わりのない空を 翔け抜けて

Soaring through an endless sky, we rise

その先に待つ 光を求め

Seeking the light that waits ahead

無限の自由 羽ばたけ

Spread your wings, infinite freedom awaits

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


  • Producer


  • Vocals

    HAZUKI, Luminous Angels

The Tragic Radiance Front Cover

Listen to Infinite Celestial Wings (feat. Luminous Angels) by HAZUKI

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    The Tragic Radiance (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 2

    Nocturne of the Celestial Phantom (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 3

    Fallen Angel of the Stars (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 4

    Tears of the Celestial Realm (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 5

    Angel's Fall (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • ⚫︎

    Infinite Celestial Wings (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 7

    Gears of Time (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 8

    Chronograph of Illusions (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 9

    The Dance of Gears and Destiny (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 10

    Scarlet of IlluScarlet of Illusionssions (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 11

    Nocturne of Scarlet Dye (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 12

    Fleeting Crimson Phantasm (feat. Luminous Angels)


Feel the rush of high-speed beats! This track is a fusion of Eurobeat unstoppable energy and the emotional intensity of anime soundscapes. Inspired by Initial D, it captures the thrill of the open road with fast-paced rhythms, powerful melodies, and an electrifying build-up that makes you feel like you are racing through the night. A must-listen for Eurobeat lovers, anime fans, and anyone looking for the ultimate driving soundtrack!

Artist Profile
