New Me Front Cover



Agent K

Come on babe to my space

Come on babe to my space right now

Lay yo kiss upon my face

Lay yo kiss upon my face right now

Turn and look me in my eyes

Smile at me and touch my heart

Babe take all my love

Drive me crazy all night

Drive me crazy all night long

Only you can take my love

Remember feeling like I found an Angel

Felt like everything was moving slowly

Felt The Shining in my heart from you

Come on babe to my space

Come on babe to my space right now

Lay yo kiss upon my face

Lay yo kiss upon my face right now

Turn and look me in my eyes

Smile at me and touch my heart

Babe take all my love

Your kisses are so hot that they burn my bones

I’ll give you all of me

You can suck my soul

When you’re riding on me

Then I’ll kill me on my own

Give me your love

Come on babe

Babe I’m begging you

Give me your love

Come on babe

Babe I’m begging you

What did you want from me

I tried everything

Was it worth it?

I would go through this hellfire

Your pack of lies

I’m so tired

All you’ve done, not for me

She’s taken all, what all I had

And now you are my sole desire

Another sacrifice for the Succubus

Come on babe to my space

Come on babe to my space right now

Lay yo kiss upon my face

Lay yo kiss upon my face right now

Turn and look me in my eyes

Smile at me and touch my heart

Babe take all my love

  • Lyricist

    Agent K

  • Composer

    Agent K

New Me Front Cover

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