国道の脇並ぶ木々が 色とりどりに染まっている
それぞれの場所タイミングで 自分の今を選びながら
隣同士の二人にさえ 互いの知らない過去がある
血液だけじゃ測れない 自分だけの色がある
僕らは全てを分かち合える そんな理想図に操られて
互いの違いに目を逸らして 同じ色を集めてたけど
いつしか違いを尊重して それが変わっていった尊敬に
本当の意味で今あなたを 必要としている
そして滲んでいくカラー 描き上げていく今を 豊かな彩で
器用に振る舞えやしないけど 大きな気持ちで包んでたい
どうしてなの?と訊くよりも そうなんだねと言えるような
僕らは全てを解り合える そんな理想図に裏切られて
捉え方の違いを知るたび 疑問符を付けてきたけど
いつしか違いを隣り合わせ そして拾っていったタカラモノ
交わらないものの中にある 愛しさのカケラ
そしてはまっていくピース 築き上げていく明日を 離さず守ってゆこう
本当の意味で今あなたを 必要としている
- Lyricist
Takuya Tosa
- Composer
Takuya Tosa
Listen to Individuality by Takuya Tosa
Streaming / Download
- 1
Ask and Reply (Instrumental)
Takuya Tosa
- 2
Hide and Seek
Takuya Tosa
- 3
Takuya Tosa
- 4
Tightrope Walk
Takuya Tosa
- 5
Junmai Daiginjo
Takuya Tosa
- ⚫︎
Takuya Tosa
- 7
Takuya Tosa
- 8
Street Light and Drizzle
Takuya Tosa
- 9
It's Too Early
Takuya Tosa
- 10
Morning, Night, and Even Gravity
Takuya Tosa
- 11
Takuya Tosa
- 12
Takuya Tosa
This album is more of an arrival than a creation. It has been like a journey in search for the answer to what kind of singer and songwriter Takuya Tosa is. Words and melodies spun under the theme of "human relationships" have been gathered together.
be = exist.
The album is Takuya Tosa's alter ego, carefully painted over with 12 colors (songs), depicting individuality and harmony. The being of each and every person encountered is a great treasure.
This is a piece of work completed with a lot of thoughts and feelings.
Artist Profile
Takuya Tosa
Takuya Tosa is a gifted Japanese singer/songwriter. Tosa has been energetically performing concerts, live shows and musical events around the country. Moreover he has also provided music for the stage and been a radio personality, among other wide-ranging activities. Tosa's one-of-a-kind voice always intoxicates people of all ages and both men and women, and his live performances are highly acclaimed. Tosa has his own vocal philosophy. Singing against the degree of emotions, Tosa expresses dynamism with delicacy while he describes exclamation with silence.
Takuya Tosaの他のリリース