GAN JI GA RA ME Front Cover


Dirty Papa

Rina Katayabu

Dirty papa love f*** up

Love money money

Dirty papa Shout shutup

Hate me me

Dirty papa thinks

Money make him rich

Money love wise people

Money hate papa (Lol)

Dirty papa love f*** up

Love money money

Dirty papa Shout shutup

Hate me me

Dirty papa thinks

Money make him rich

Money love wise people

Money hate papa

Wanna wanna be rich

Wanna wanna be free

Wanna wanna be needed

Wanna wanna be loved

I never I never never give up my mind

To love, make money To get what I want

You never you never you never

Take me away my chance

I mean i got it

I make a chance tonight

  • Lyricist

    Rina Katayabu

  • Composer

    Rina Katayabu

GAN JI GA RA ME Front Cover

Listen to Dirty Papa by Rina Katayabu

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    Rina Katayabu

  • 2

    Raise Me Up

    Rina Katayabu

  • ⚫︎

    Dirty Papa

    Rina Katayabu

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    Rina Katayabu

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    Last Call

    Rina Katayabu

As long as I live with people, I will never stop worrying about it.
No one understands it, and it rots.

"Dissatisfaction, anxiety, unhappiness, inconvenience" in oneself
While enjoying everything, sometimes dreams help me.

I want to cherish the music that was born from myself now,
this time I made the title "I'm tied up" as it is.

I approached the production of the EP with that feeling of wanting to embrace my whole struggling self and calmly say, "You can stay here."

I think I have achieved something that only I can do now. It is a view of the world of the whole EP. I would be happy if you could listen to it.

Artist Profile

  • Rina Katayabu

    Music with cinematic images stirs your inspiration. A free spirited sound selection that is not bound by genre, and a unique voice with a variety of colors, such as transparency, laziness, and edgy voice. Her unconventional and original world view questions the deja vu of modern society, such as I wonder if this is what it is and common sense. If only the time from the present moment to the future is a blank slate, paint your own selfishness. That's your world.

    Artist page
