The Summer Wind Between Us Front Cover


The Summer Wind Between Us


君は夕暮れに溶け... 消えていった…

目を閉じて 夏の午後

何を見つめて いたんだろうか?


君の瞳は 夕焼けの色

微かに感じた 悲しみの香り

涙も 乾くほど

君の笑顔は 今どこに?

夏の 思い出


止まらない 愛しさ

Consuming my heart

心の 奥深く…

僕らの 季節の風

遠くへと 導かれ

追いかけた あの日々

君は夏の空に... 消えていった…


何を思って いたんだろうか?

瞳を 開けた 瞬間

君の 瞳に 浮かぶ

儚い 涙の光

切ない 想い抱いて

君の声は 今どこに?


「また涙!」 込み挙げる

止まらない… 愛しさ…

Consuming my heart

胸の音 響かせて

僕らの 夏の嵐

遠くまで 届けたら?

君に会える 気がしたんだ!

通り雨 草を靡かせ

羊雲 あれも「夏のせい?」

風のよう 胸に夏乗せ

君を… 待つ…

Consuming my heart

涙も 乾くほど

君の 記憶は 今どこに?

夏の 思い出

「また涙!」 込み挙げる

止まらない 愛しさ

Consuming my heart

心の音を 響かせ

僕らの 夏の風

心に残る 君の声

この歌に 乗せて

涙も 乾くほど

君の ハートは 今どこに?

消えた 夏の 記憶を

胸に 抱きしめて

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The Summer Wind Between Us Front Cover

Listen to The Summer Wind Between Us by Ei-vy

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    The Summer Wind Between Us


Ei-vy latest single "The Summer Wind Between Us" captures the melancholy of summer's end. The lyrics recount the feelings towards someone who disappeared into the twilight, with SunoAI's emotionally resonant voice wrapping around you. This song, with its evocative imagery of fleeting tears in the eyes and the swiftly passing summer days like the wind, deeply moves the listener's heart. Let the summer memories buried deep in your heart and the overwhelming love that dries your tears be felt through this song.

Artist Profile

  • Ei-vy

    I'm Ei-vy, a music creator. Since March 2024, I have been using AI tools to create original songs that resonate with the heart. My goal is to enrich lives through music, bringing beauty and health to my listeners. Without prior knowledge as a music creator, producing songs seemed like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the help of AI, I was able to overcome this barrier and share "my music" with the world. While I still have much to learn, I am dedicated to creating music that touches the hearts of those who listen. Continuously exploring new possibilities and trying various arrangements, I strive to produce unique and captivating original songs. Thank you for your support!

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The Summer Wind Between Us
