I'm sick of your words
It means nothing
You don't know anything
Shut your fucking mouth
I hate that smirk on your face lacking a decency
You always think you are winner and look down on everyone around you
What made you such a nasty personality?
Don't say a word
Not interested
I don't want to hear your voice
This is the warning to you
This is the warning to you
You need to change that mindset
I did warn you
Though I bet you wouldn't listen to me
You told me one day
"You are a sociopath"
How can you say that?
Can't you see yourself?
Fuck off
Am I the one who is wrong?
How can you be so nonchalant
I won't be at your beck any longer
I'll make you admit you were wrong
So now I scream this song
Loud enough for you to hear even if you cover up your ears
Anger makes me stronger
I'm done putting up with it
Go away right now
Just fade away without a trace
Burn your filthy soul
Don't be born again,don't be born again
Go away right now
Just fade away without a trace
Burn your filthy soul
Don't be born again,don't be born again
Go away right now
Just fade away without a trace
Burn your filthy soul
Don't be born again,don't be born again
Go away right now
Just fade away without a trace
Burn your filthy soul
Don't be born again,don't be born again
Go away right now
Just fade away without a trace
Burn your filthy soul
Don't be born again,don't be born again
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Listen to Wrath by Aporath
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愛媛県松山市発、Emo/Post-Hardcoreバンド「Aporath」 2022年11月にRayllinkのGtとしても活動中のみーくんと元behind the dawn.Voのjuにより結成。同年12月にBa.ぶっちゃんを向かい入れ3人となった。2023年2月22日に1st single「Faded leaf」のリリース発表と共に活動開始。 2000's~2010'sのEmo/Post-Hardcore/Metalcoreをルーツに、現代のサウンドを織り交ぜた楽曲をVo.juの儚くも力強い声が歌い上げる。