遠くで聞こえる 雷鳴の音が
不安な気持ちを 増幅していく
夏の始まりを 感じる香りが
夕立と共に 充満している
ああ いつしか 始まる いつもの 季節
雷鳴の音が 近づいてくると
土砂降りの雨も 激しく叩いて
稲光が映え カタルシスとなる
終わりの始まり 永遠の記
ああ 終わりが 近づく 激しい 雨も
静寂の中で 夜も更けていく
蒸し暑い夜は 寝苦しい夜で
雨上がりなので 星も煌いて
虫の鳴く声が 響き渡る空
ああ 記憶の 彼方に 見つかる 夏が
- Lyricist
early bird institute
- Composer
early bird institute
- Producer
early bird institute
- Recording Engineer
early bird institute
- Mixing Engineer
early bird institute
- Mastering Engineer
early bird institute
- Graphic Design
early bird institute
- Synthesizer
early bird institute
- Vocals
early bird institute

Listen to Summer by early bird institute
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early bird institute
The title is Summer. It was such a beautiful day during the day, but suddenly the sky darkens, you hear thunder in the distance, and suddenly a heavy evening shower comes down. As I take shelter from the rain, I can smell the dusty summer scent in the air and feel that, ah, the usual summer has arrived. These days it's more of a torrential downpour than an evening shower, but in the old days, an evening shower was like summer, wasn't it? Finally, as the sound of thunder approaches, the glow of the lightning is beautiful in the sky. After the catharsis, the evening shower suddenly stops, and the heat and humidity begin to set in. The night goes on in silence, but it's a hard night to sleep, and the stars twinkle because it's after the rain. The sound of insects' noises are bothering you.
Artist Profile
early bird institute
He has had a deep interest in computer music since his student days and has been familiar with it since the days of progressive rock. As a programmer, he has been working with machines for many years and has studied the hot beats of club DJs. Enjoy the music of HJ Early Bird Institute.
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