Crystal Pop Attraction Front Cover


My Everything

Crystal Pop Attraction

Hi world 描いた あしたと違っていても

まだ道の途中 美しき悔しさよ

君の瞳覗き込んだら ヒカリ 私も見える

涙で濡れた日には 笑顔で待ってるよ

いつだってAll my love’s for you

祈り捧げ合う 夢は消えず輝くよ

My heart 去りゆく 運命(さだめ)と知っていても

まだ飲み込めない 別れの言葉など

数えきれない愛と優しさ 君がくれたからだよ

痛みもキズも全部 抱きしめてあげるよ

いつだってAll my love’s for you

生命燃える時 夢もきっと輝くよ

巡り巡っていく 夜と太陽

休み目が覚め 強く羽ばたく

涙で濡れた日には 笑顔で待ってるよ

いつだってAll my love’s for you

心熱いなら 夢はきっと輝くよ

You know you’re my everything

  • Lyricist

    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • Composer

    Crystal Pop Attraction

Crystal Pop Attraction Front Cover

Listen to My Everything by Crystal Pop Attraction

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 2


    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 3

    As Time Goes By

    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 4


    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 5


    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 6


    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 7

    Remote Love

    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 8

    Hurry Up

    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • ⚫︎

    My Everything

    Crystal Pop Attraction

  • 10

    Starlight Melody

    Crystal Pop Attraction

Artist Profile

  • Crystal Pop Attraction

    A pop musical supergroup featuring a silky crystal voice woven by the duo of supreme Japanese producers who played a role as the staple of a musical era called J-R&B(Japanese R&B). They define their musical style as "Crystal Pop" whose name describes the mixture of diversity incorporating various musical styles even beyond J-R&B. Along with a DNA of distinctive uniqueness and nostalgic reminiscence of Japanese culture, they offer their perspective to the future music scene globally with this next-level album project, "Crystal Pop Attraction".

    Artist page

Crystal Pop Records
