Promise of Spring Front Cover


Make You Smile

Nobutaka Sakurai

(Make You Smile) 照れくさいけれど

(Make You Smile) 心を込めて歌おう

(Make You Smile) キミの笑顔が見たいから

(Make You Smile) さあ行こう

Let’s get together now

何千回 何万回



その手は 離さないよ

どんな時も どんな場所でも


I don’t want you to stop, just keep going ahead


Try one more chance, break yourself

(Make You Smile) 信じて欲しいよ

(Make You Smile) 僕はキミの為に

(Make You Smile) いつだって肩を貸すから

(Make You Smile) 顔上げて

Let’s get together now

Make a new world which we admire

Even though someone says

“You CANNOT gain the brightest future”

Shut up and goodbye

You don’t need to hear it

You will catch the future

No one can disturb you


I don’t want you to stop, just keep going ahead


Try one more chance, make new days

(Make You Smile) 僕が見たいのは

(Make You Smile) 笑っているキミさ

(Make You Smile) 雑音に惑わされない

(Make You Smile) キミでいて

Let’s get together now

嵐吹き荒れたって キミに芽吹いた

種は色鮮やかな花を咲かすだろう きっと

(Make You Smile) この広い世界

(Make You Smile) キミは一人じゃない

(Make You Smile) 夢見る未来へ向かって

(Make You Smile) 踏み出そう

Let’s get together now

(Make You Smile) 僕が見たいのは

(Make You Smile) 笑っているキミさ

(Make You Smile) 雨上がり澄み渡った空

(Make You Smile) 一緒に行こう

Let’s get together now

  • Lyricist

    Nobutaka Sakurai

  • Composer

    Nobutaka Sakurai

  • Producer

    Nobutaka Sakurai

  • Graphic Design

    Nobutaka Sakurai

  • Vocals

    Nobutaka Sakurai

Promise of Spring Front Cover

Listen to Make You Smile by Nobutaka Sakurai

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    Make You Smile

    Nobutaka Sakurai

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    Nobutaka Sakurai

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    Nobutaka Sakurai

Nobutaka Sakurai's second EP release after his previous mini album "Ebb and Flow".
"Make You Smile" which is the up-tempo lead song has a light sound and a good vibe, and the second song "Egao" is a positive number with a bright and familiar sound line. The third song "Setsurei" is a song with a profound sound of traditional Japanese instruments.
This is a must-listen new album with a luxurious three-song composition that you won't get tired of no matter how many times you listen to it, with a variety of variations.

Artist Profile

  • Nobutaka Sakurai

    He is a singer songwriter from Hiroshima in Japan. In the past, he worked behind the scenes in the music industry, working as a few artists' manager. But he strongly felt that he wanted to pursue his "expression" through singing, and started his artist activities. With a gentle voice, he focuses on delivering songs with all his heart.

    Artist page

    Nobutaka Sakuraiの他のリリース