watashigawatashidearuyouni Front Cover




ストーリー溢れる Network Life

「いいね」の数は モチベーション

加工された笑顔に 追いつけない

ため息だけが 増えてゆく

光の画面に 閉じ込めた

本当の私は どこにいる?


待ってくれない 言葉たち

Like me! 誰かの視線じゃなくて


飾らない言葉が きっと

未来を 少し変えるから

Like me! どんな私でもOK

つながることで 強くなれる

この瞬間も 私らしく


フィルター越しの 景色ばかり

本音はどこへ 消えていったの?

流行りの“タグ”も きっとウソで

本当は みんな迷ってる

たくさんの フォロワー数より

ただひとつの 温かい声が

心の奥で 灯りになる

そんな瞬間 探している

Like me! 誰かのマネじゃなくて

私の色で 世界を描こう

無理に笑う 必要はない

このままでいい “大丈夫”

Like me! ひとつの言葉が響く

つながりの中で 見つけた夢

偽らないで ここにあるよ


ねぇ 忘れないで

自信がなくても 消えないもの

夜明け前の 青い空のように

私たちは 自由になれる

Like me! 世界の片隅でいい

私だけの 声を届けたい

飾らない気持ちが きっと

誰かの 光になるから

Like me! 今日も画面越しじゃなく

この心の中で つながろう

どこにいても 私らしい


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watashigawatashidearuyouni Front Cover

Listen to watashigawatashidearuyouni by BlackCat

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Artist Profile

  • BlackCat

    [BlackCat] Music-producing artist Active as a music creator, mainly on SNS (mainly TikTiok). Lives in a world of "black cats, moons, and dark nights." Also, as he keeps all information other than his artist name private, he has another side to him as a "mysterious black cat." The lyrics of the songs he produces are often based on emotions born from BlackCat's real-life experiences, and the genres are diverse, but on SNS, many listeners sympathize with his fleeting and sad lyrics, saying things like "It's the best," "How can you write poetry like this," and "He's a genius at transience." He has produced over 50 songs so far, and is known for his style of allowing viewers to watch parts of his songs in advance on SNS video distribution before they are released, and sometimes he uploads the full video. He also provides songs to individuals and facilities in response to requests. Welcome to the world of [transience], [sadness], and [healing]! Release now [1st album] Kotonoha [2nd album] The beginning of the Black Cat [1st single] Yoi Hanabi [2nd single] White Christmas [3rd single] Requiem [4th single] Monasashi [5th single] Watashi ga watashi de aruyouni

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