KI-NO-OKU Front Cover


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制作期間10年を費やし豪華なメンバーとともに作り上げた、ドラマー/シンガー・ソングライター、坂田学の実質的なファースト・アルバム。アンビエント、ミニマル、音響的なサウンドを内包した歌もの中心のポップ・アルバムに仕上がった今作は、これまでのキャリアの延長上にありつつも一線を画する新境地。ミュージシャン: 坂田学(vo, pf, g, b, dr, etc.)、エマーソン北村(pf, org)、中島ノブユキ(pf)、石井マサユキ(g)、おおはた雄一(g)、高田漣(g)、鹿島達也(b)、イノトモ(cho)、朝倉真司(per)、影山敏彦(g/tico moon)、吉野友加(hp/tico moon)、橋本歩(vc)、他 Rec&Mixエンジニア: 中野正之、笹原与志一、zAk、坂田学 マスタリング・エンジニア: zAk

Artist Profile

  • Manabu Sakata

    Manabu Sakata; A drummer, musician, Born in Japan in 1973. Akira Sakata, a sax player, is his father. Manabu Sakata learned to play the piano as a child and began playing drums at 10-years-old. In 1993, he went to Musicians Institute in US. After graduation, he became a professional drummer in Japan. His eclectic performance style includes everything from pop music to free jazz. After joining several bands, including Piranhans and Polaris, he began his solo project in 2004, using drums and various instruments. In 2005, he released three solo instrumental albums. In 2006, he played music at play and fashion show. In 2017, he released the album, "Ki-No-Oku," revealing his singer-songwriter side. He created his first soundtrack, in 2019, for the film "Bonfire at Dawn."

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    Manabu Sakataの他のリリース

Lifework Records