Under the Sunのジャケット写真




I thought I was the only one to invent this little game

I thought I was the only one to claim for happiness

The other day I felt so special and unique for once in my life

The other day I felt so good to be my true self

It’s precious; it’s delicious; not so ambitious;

Just want to have fun and dance

Wasn’t sure it was an earthquake or it was some man made shake

Wasn’t sure why all the conflict that doesn’t lead anywhere

The other day we prayed for world peace and climate control

The other day agreed for free trade; no duties with equity

It’s delirious; it’s ridiculous; don’t be insidious;

Just want to smile and dance

You are the one that can change and shape our world;

If you can keep on asking questions to people who make the rules

You are the one that can voice and call out how much we care about

Our earth and each of us, here oh yeah, yeah, yeah

I thought I wasn’t the only one to feel this loneliness

I thought I wasn’t the only one to cry for collaboration

The other day I felt so neglected and exhausted all night long

The very next day felt so protected surrounded by a veil

You are the one that can change and shape our world;

If you can keep on asking questions to people who make the rules

You are the one that can voice and call out how much we care about

Our earth and each of us, here oh yeah, yeah, yeah

Each of us here, oh yeah, yeah, yeah x 2

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Under the Sunのジャケット写真

krystalcube の“Collaboration”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード



  • krystalcube

    krystalcube: シンガーソングライター。ハイトーンでクリスタルボイスを活かしたオリジナルやカバー曲を都内ライブハウスで演奏。ポップス、R&B、フォーク、ジャズ、ロック、ヒーリングミュージックをブレンドさせた独特のスタイルを現在製作・模索中。 音楽を通して人と人とのつながりを深め、その時々に必要なメッセージを世界中のリスナーの方々に音楽を通して伝え、リスナーが少しずつ元気に、明日に希望を持って進めるように、生きられるように、願いを込めて歌う。



