Under the Sunのジャケット写真


Moments of Truth


Too many years have passed too quickly

People and places, forgotten words and deeds

All this time, for the longest time, seeking the moments of truth

Circling in my head

Too many worries on things that didn’t matter

Names and faces, only some resonate

All this time, for the longest time, seeking the moments of truth

Circling in my head

Grateful for this moment, to cherish memories

Grateful for this moment, that we're here for more

Moments of truth, moments of truth, seeking moments of truth

Too many times questioning why I’m here

Maple and honey, rather sweet combination

All this time, for the longest time, seeking the moments of truth

Circling in my head

Too many fears from unproven news and gossip

Citrus and pepper, bitter, sour and smoky

All this time, for the longest time, holding back then, capturing

Moments of truth

Grateful for this moment, to know it's been revealed

Grateful for the moment, for justice to prevail

Too many words describing what’s really simple

Too many cooks struggling to obtain power

All this time, for the longest time, holding back then, advancing for

Moments of truth

Moments of truths, moments of truths, seeking only the truth

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Under the Sunのジャケット写真

krystalcube の“Moments of Truth”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード



  • krystalcube

    krystalcube: シンガーソングライター。ハイトーンでクリスタルボイスを活かしたオリジナルやカバー曲を都内ライブハウスで演奏。ポップス、R&B、フォーク、ジャズ、ロック、ヒーリングミュージックをブレンドさせた独特のスタイルを現在製作・模索中。 音楽を通して人と人とのつながりを深め、その時々に必要なメッセージを世界中のリスナーの方々に音楽を通して伝え、リスナーが少しずつ元気に、明日に希望を持って進めるように、生きられるように、願いを込めて歌う。



