Under the Sunのジャケット写真


Summer Ends


Sweltering hot, hot summer sun though the heat feels nice for a moment

We’re looking for shades and wish, that cool, cool breeze sweeps all the waste away

Have you done camping and swimming, have you drunk tons of tequilas

Have you danced till your legs got sore

Have you found yourself somewhere unfamiliar, No, let’s focus on now

Island vibes, feel so good, island vibes, free my soul

Island vibes, unspoken words hidden deep inside

As summer ends, no more regrets, as summer ends, no more sadness

As summer ends

Overwhelming heat, heat waves, the hottest summer we ever recorded

We’re looking for alternatives to find, find sources of energy to cool down

Have you done packing and arranging, have you charged your batteries

Have you tracked what’s worked and didn’t?

Have you known there’s only one more month to go, No, let’s focus on now

Island vibes, feel so good, island vibes, free my soul

Island vibes, unspoken words hidden deep inside

As summer ends, no more surprises, as summer ends, no more madness

As summer ends, looking to autumn

Island vibes, feel so good, island vibes, free my soul

Island vibes, unspoken words hidden deep inside

As summer ends, no more regrets, as summer ends, no more sadness

As summer ends .... island vibes

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Under the Sunのジャケット写真

krystalcube の“Summer Ends”を


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  • krystalcube

    krystalcube: シンガーソングライター。ハイトーンでクリスタルボイスを活かしたオリジナルやカバー曲を都内ライブハウスで演奏。ポップス、R&B、フォーク、ジャズ、ロック、ヒーリングミュージックをブレンドさせた独特のスタイルを現在製作・模索中。 音楽を通して人と人とのつながりを深め、その時々に必要なメッセージを世界中のリスナーの方々に音楽を通して伝え、リスナーが少しずつ元気に、明日に希望を持って進めるように、生きられるように、願いを込めて歌う。



