

Sound Atelier

君の笑顔が 心を照らす

優しい声が 響く世界で

だけど暗い影が 忍び寄る夜

一人きりの この瞬間を

願いが空に 舞い上がるように

君との日々が 永遠でありますように

たとえ離れても 消えない思いを


ひとしずくの涙が 溢れ出す

愛しさと切なさ 交わるたび

君を思うほど 胸が締め付ける

この思いを 歌に乗せて

忘れられない あの日の約束

時間は流れ でも変わらない

君と見た夢を まだ追いかけてる

それが私の 生きる意味

心の奥で ずっと君を待つ

出会えた奇跡を 信じているから

たとえ嵐が 心を揺らしても


夜空に浮かぶ 星たちを見上げ

君との思い出 心に描く

涙の雫が 明日を照らしても

この歌が届くように 願いを込めて

ひとしずくの涙が 流れ落ちる

愛しさと切なさ 重なっていく

君を思うほど 心が痛む

この思いを 歌に詩う

君と私の 未来を信じて

  • Lyricist

    Sound Atelier

  • Composer

    Sound Atelier


Listen to HITOSHIZUKU by Sound Atelier

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    Sound Atelier

Original song "HITOSHIZUKU" is now available!

Hitoshizuku" is a song that describes a moment when a hidden emotion seeps into someone's heart like a drop of water.

We hope this song will gently reach the hearts of those who listen to it, just as a drop of rain moistens the earth.

The theme of the next song may be decided by your request. Please let us know your voice!

Artist Profile

  • Sound Atelier

    [Sound Atelier (ONLY.1)] As a music creator, I would like to deliver music that will be close to the hearts of those who listen to it. With the support of about 23,000 subscribers on my previous YouTube channel, I was able to experience many things through music! As a new challenge, I decided to renew my SNS and "start from scratch"! We want to create an environment and content where "everyone enjoys the sound" with our unique approach of creating music themes based on viewers' requests, with an emphasis on audience involvement and empathy. Genre: J-Pop / Emotional Pop , etc. Base of Activity: Japan Artist Influences: "Yuri", "tuki.", "Little Glee Monster", etc. I would like to work together with my audience based on the belief that "music is not only to listen to, but also to share and empathize with"! Thank you for your cooperation.

    Artist page
