そっと風が 吹き抜けて
君の涙 乾かしてる
さあ 目を閉じて 深く息して
今日の自分を 褒めよう
生きることに 疲れたなら
少しここで 歩みを止めよう
無理しないで 歩いて行こう
誰もが迷い 進んでいる
夜空の星も ときには隠れ
雲の後ろで 休んでるのさ
でもさ それでも また輝き出す
君も一緒に 休んでよ
生きることに 疲れたなら
少しここで 歩みを止めよう
心の声を 聴いてごらんよ
そっと優しく 包んでくれるさ
泣いてもいい とまってもいい
誰も責めたりは しないから
君の歩幅で 進んでいこう
また笑顔が戻る その時まで
生きることに 疲れたなら
少しここで 休んでいいよ
ゆっくりでいい 焦らなくていい
君の歩幅で 歩いていこう
- Lyricist
- Composer
- Producer
- Vocals

Listen to Sakura Mau by BlackCat
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Sakura Mau
"BlackCat" wrote this grand, ephemeral, yet gentle original song with a Japanese image. I hope that the feelings put into the lyrics, set to the melody born from Japanese instruments, will reach everyone.
Artist Profile
[BlackCat] Music-producing artist Active as a music creator, mainly on SNS (mainly TikTiok). Lives in a world of "black cats, moons, and dark nights." Also, as he keeps all information other than his artist name private, he has another side to him as a "mysterious black cat." The lyrics of the songs he produces are often based on emotions born from BlackCat's real-life experiences, and the genres are diverse, but on SNS, many listeners sympathize with his fleeting and sad lyrics, saying things like "It's the best," "How can you write poetry like this," and "He's a genius at transience." He has produced over 50 songs so far, and is known for his style of allowing viewers to watch parts of his songs in advance on SNS video distribution before they are released, and sometimes he uploads the full video. He also provides songs to individuals and facilities in response to requests. Welcome to the world of [transience], [sadness], and [healing]! Release now [1st album] Kotonoha [2nd album] The beginning of the Black Cat [1st single] Yoi Hanabi [2nd single] White Christmas [3rd single] Requiem [4th single] Monasashi [5th single] Watashi ga watashi de aruyouni