
This is our future

From here we make it

This is our future

It`s always waiting for us

You can`t stop there and never crying

Cause the moment you give up, it's all going to go away

We still have the power to shine



Keep it going

I didn't hear the voices around me

I was all alone and you reached out to me

I couldn't even notice someone's kindness

I was always thinking about myself

I had a lot of love by my side

You made me realize that

Someone has always been there for me, and now I'm there for you

This world should never forget that fact






Keep it going

I told myself, but that voice wasn't me


I couldn't even notice someone's kindness

I was always thinking about myself

I had a lot of love by my side

You made me realize that

Someone has always been there for me, and now I'm there for you

This world should never forget that fact

This is our future

From here we make it

This is our future

It`s always waiting for us

This is our future

From here we make it

This is our future

It`s always waiting for us

I couldn't even notice someone's kindness

I was always thinking about myself

I had a lot of love by my side

You made me realize that

Someone has always been there for me, and now I'm there for you

This world should never forget that fact

  • 作詞

    Bad Childhood Habits

  • 作曲

    Bad Childhood Habits


Bad Childhood Habits の“Rainbow”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


  • Bad Childhood Habits

    2022年4月結成のラウドロックバンド ボーカルNobuの力強い歌声を軸に硬派なバンドサウンドやEDMを融合させていく 同時に1st EP 「Far sighted」、MV「きのうのうた」をリリース 2022年5月渋谷チェルシーホテルにてデビューライブ 2022年10月大型サーキットフェス「DIE ON ROCK FES2022」に出演 2023年1月MV「Gaudy dress」をリリースYoutubeにて2万回再生を達成 2023年3月自主企画「badass vol1」を下北沢ReGで開催 動員50人を達成 同時に2nd EP「convinced」リリース 2023年4月LIVE MV「R60」をリリース


    Bad Childhood Habitsの他のリリース