もう戻れない あの頃の僕らに
愛した君のこと 今でも忘れてない
桜舞う季節の 二人のあの場所で
愛する気持ち教えられた 穢れのない君に
あの日の約束は もう消えてしまったけど
思い出見つめると あの頃の君が呼びかける
Knock knock knock in my hearts
若い過ちが 君を傷つけた
いつしか想いは空回りで 君を包めなかった
あの頃俺の夢を 信じてくれたように
君の幸せ時を越えて 今でも思ってる
うまくは生きられない 自分を見つめてるけど
気付けばいつもまた あのころの夢歌を奏でてる
Knock knock knock in my hearts
移り行く時の中 何もかもいつか変わるけど
Knock knock knock in my hearts 君のこと忘れない
いつかこの歌が 誰かの胸に届くなら
Knock knock knock your hearts 君にも届くように
消えないこの想い いつか届くように
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Listen to knock in my hearts (2023 version) by setsumero
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knock in my hearts (2023 version)
My name is Setsumero.
Thank you for watching!
This work "knock in my Hearts (2023version)" will be completely updated from the original song in the fall of 2023.
The biggest feature is that we have added keyboard-related sound sources and increased the harmonious chorus. The version has been updated, so please check it out!
This is a love song about young love.
The highlight of the song is when the key changes in the middle of the song. I play everything except the drums.
You can also watch the video on YouTube, so please take a look! !
Birthplace: Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Artist Profile
Nice to meet you. Thank you for watching. My name is Setsumero. Born in Saitama, Japan Singer-songwriter/guitarist I've been exposed to a variety of music, but I'm especially influenced by blues. As for the instruments, I play everything except the drums (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, electric bass, keyboard). All my works are based on real experiences. Let's do our best together, even if we're in the same state of mind as me, or if we're weak! I hope that my works will be of some benefit to both of us, even if it's just a little, in our future lives, together with the viewers who like them. I'll be releasing my works one by one, so please look forward to them.