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なんで見れない 隠したいわけ?
なんで見せない 後ろめたいわけ?
アンロック すぐに パスコード
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消さずに だから今
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ロック 信じていれば
疑心暗鬼そこらじゅう 不安はもう四捨五入
四六時中 充血です デジャブこの番号
助けてくれよ孫悟空 探索 陸海空
嘘つく人は乗れない 筋斗雲
番号はなに? やましいわけ?
解除できない もうええわ 壊したる
アンロック すぐに パスコード
ダーリンダーリン よそ見はしないで
ダーリンダーリン 嘘はつかないで
ダーリンダーリン ひとりにしないで 死ぬまで だから今
ロック 解除してよ
ロック 全部見せて
ロック 疑いなどいらない
ロック 怖くはない
ロック 信じてれば
誕生日 記念日 生まれ年もエラーだよ?
ロック解除して? ロック解除してよ
- Lyricist
- Composer
Listen to UNLOCK by ZUMA
Streaming / Download
- ⚫︎
This song is his 18th song with the theme of ``doubts about a lover that everyone has at least once because they want to peek into their cell phones.'' The song is characterized by a fast-paced yet emotionally appealing melody that depicts the oscillations of hearts, the stagnation between men and women, their inability to understand each other, and their lack of satisfaction. It contains a message that will touch the hearts of unsatisfied young people in their teens and 20s who are in love. There are sing-along parts scattered throughout the song that are sure to be a hit at live performances.
After the band "ReVision of Sence", which he had been playing for 10 years, disbanded, he started learning DTM from scratch as a solo artist. He handles the songwriting, composition, arrangement, and mix mastering of all songs, including this one, by himself.
He will carry out various promotions based on his own YouTube channel, which has approximately 100,000 subscribers. He also posts several videos on TikTok every day, including rearranged versions of existing songs.
The music video, which was shot and edited entirely by himself, is scheduled to be released at 9pm on the day of the distribution release.