Radiance of the Heavenly Realm Front Cover


The Trail of the Light-Speed Fairies (feat. AyanoRen)


眩い朝焼けの彼方 風の如く駆け抜ける奇跡


In the break of dawn, a trail of luminous sparks ignites the sky

Fairies in a flash of speed weave dreams with every breath of light

Kousoku Yousei no Kiseki 輝きが織りなす軌跡

A burst of speed, a magic surge—our hearts beat to a radiant pace

煌めく未来へと導く 果てなき希望のメロディ

Follow the trail of light-speed fairies, soaring into endless grace

星屑が瞬く夜空 疾風が奏でる鼓動


Across the midnight canvas, sparks of brilliance scatter far and wide

Every fleeting moment fuels the journey where dreams and destiny collide

Kousoku Yousei no Kiseki 輝きが織りなす軌跡

A burst of speed, a magic surge—our hearts beat to a radiant pace

煌めく未来へと導く 果てなき希望のメロディ

Follow the trail of light-speed fairies, soaring into endless grace

瞬く光の波間に 隠された真実が呼び覚ます

Every heartbeat races in a realm where time dissolves into light

新たな風が過去を超えて 新世界の扉を開く

Let the rhythm of the cosmos guide us, painting visions bold and bright

Kousoku Yousei no Kiseki 輝きが織りなす軌跡

A burst of speed, a magic surge—our hearts beat to a radiant pace

煌めく未来へと導く 果てなき希望のメロディ

Follow the trail of light-speed fairies, soaring into endless grace

朝露に染まる静寂の中 微睡む世界に新たな息吹

As the final notes linger, the trail of luminous fairies fades into the dawn

永遠の夢とともに歩む 明日へ続く輝ける証し

Yet in every fading glow remains the promise of a never-ending song

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


  • Producer


  • Vocals

    HAZUKI, AyanoRen

Radiance of the Heavenly Realm Front Cover

Listen to The Trail of the Light-Speed Fairies (feat. AyanoRen) by HAZUKI

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Radiance of the Heavenly Realm (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 2

    Thunder Roar of the Shaking Heavens (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 3

    The Heartbeat of the Falling Sky (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 4

    Sealed Spirit Dance (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 5

    Rhapsody of Ghosts (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 6

    Sprinting Radiance of the Glittering Fairies (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 7

    Dance of the Phantasmal Radiant Flash (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • ⚫︎

    The Trail of the Light-Speed Fairies (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 9

    Nocturne of the Sky (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 10

    Sprinting Melody (feat. AyanoRen)


  • 11

    Fantasia of the Bewitching Firestorm (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 12

    Magic Dance of the Rushing Radiance (feat. Luminous Angels)


Feel the rush of high-speed beats! This track is a fusion of Eurobeats unstoppable energy and the emotional intensity of anime soundscapes. Inspired by Initial D, it captures the thrill of the open road with fast-paced rhythms, powerful melodies, and an electrifying build-up that makes you feel like youre racing through the night. A must-listen for Eurobeat lovers, anime fans, and anyone looking for the ultimate driving soundtrack!

Artist Profile
