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This is LEREVE's second album released for three consecutive months, and in contrast to the ballad of the previous album, it is a rock-like piece with a catchy melody on a heavy riff.

It's an up-tuned song with Kai's loud vocals on top of TAIGA's sound of hard guitar.

Although the song is full of intensity as a whole, especially, the beautiful vocals of the sounds in the C part are also a must-listen point.

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    ロックからクラシカルなバラードまで幅広いジャンルの曲が特徴。 TAIGAの作る曲はメロディアスであり、ボーカルの傀(カイ)の伸びやかで澄んだ歌声はそんな曲たちを彩っている。

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LEGACY Records