Game Fowl Sound Front Cover

Game Fowl Sound

Track List

  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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From Chigasaki, Shonan, mainly active in JAPAN from Yokohama and Shonan area! Melodic punk band.

The band's melodic and high-tension style influenced by 90's foreign melodic bands such as NO USE FOR A NAME /useless ID /THE OFFSPRING /GREEN DAY /SECONDSHOT /NO FUN AT ALL is still legendary. The band was formed in 2005 and has been passed down to the next generation as a legend.

The band's simple, easy-to-understand melody lines are full of a sense of speed, and their live performance emphasizes "having fun.
The band's goal was to have fun first and foremost, and they went on the rampage "as they wanted".

Fast and melodic.

The band's history of simple, easy-to-understand slogans cannot be allowed to be buried and forgotten.

They released their best album "GAME FOWL SOUND" named after their own band!
Don't miss out on these 9 gems!

Artist Profile

  • Game Fowl Sound

    横浜・湘南地域を主軸に活動していた、湘南・茅ヶ崎発!メロディックパンクバンド。 NO USE FOR A NAME /useless ID /THE OFFSPRING /GREEN DAY /SECONDSHOT /NO FUN AT ALL等、90’Sの海外メロディックに影響を受けたメロディアスかつ、ハイテンションなバンドスタイルは今でも伝説として語り継がれる2005年結成のバンドである。 疾走感溢れるシンプルで分かりやすいメロディーラインと、「楽しむ」を重視したライブパフォーマンス。 そして、誰よりも何よりもまず楽しむ事を目標に「好きな様に」「やりたい様に」大暴れしていたバンド。 『速い・メロディック』 シンプルで分かりやすいスローガンを掲げ続けた彼らの歴史が埋もれて忘れ去られる事は許す訳にはいかない。

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